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Store Manager Calls A Young Employee With Wrong Name, Rages When He Doesn’t Answer Her

Store Manager Calls A Young Employee With Wrong Name, Rages When He Doesn’t Answer Her

In our professional journeys, we often encounter a wide array of experiences that shape us and teach us valuable lessons.

From the joys of achieving milestones to the trials and tribulations of dealing with difficult colleagues, each story adds depth to our personal growth. Today, we bring you a captivating tale of mistaken identity and the challenges faced by one determined individual in a workplace environment.

Imagine working diligently, fully committed to your tasks, when suddenly, you hear your name called over the loudspeakers. Except, it’s not your name but a similar one, close enough to catch your attention. In this story, our protagonist, Andrew, finds himself caught in a whirlwind of confusion. While Andrew goes about his duties, unaware that the call was intended for someone else, he soon realizes that his supervisor has mistaken his name for another employee, Adam.

Curiosity piqued, right? Read on to discover how Andrew’s steadfast determination and unwavering professionalism led him through an unexpected workplace ordeal.

The headline:

Another department’s manager doesn’t know my name, rages when I don’t answer her



OP worked in the “General Merchandise” department of a UK supermarket as a teenager, primarily stocking shelves and managing warehouse inventory while also being trained to use the till.

Another department’s manager doesn’t know my name, rages when I don’t answer her



During busy times, the checkout manager in OP’s supermarket would call all till trained for assistance through the tannoy to help at the tills until the queues subsided.

Another department’s manager doesn’t know my name, rages when I don’t answer her



Despite hearing a tannoy announcement for someone with a similar name to OP, he ignored it and focused on his stock check in the warehouse.

Another department’s manager doesn’t know my name, rages when I don’t answer her



Upon returning to the shop floor after 20 minutes, the checkout manager angrily confronts OP, insisting that she had called him to come down and follow her instructions. OP explains that he never heard the call:Another department’s manager doesn’t know my name, rages when I don’t answer her


OP calmly informs the checkout manager that his name is Andrew, not Adam. However, the manager refuses to accept this and an argument ensues, with her accusing OP of intentionally misleading her. Another department’s manager doesn’t know my name, rages when I don’t answer her


OP continued working at the same place for about a year, consistently hearing the call for “Adam to the checkouts” every couple of weeks, but deliberately chose not to respond in principle.

Another department’s manager doesn’t know my name, rages when I don’t answer her


After enduring several months of the checkout manager’s continued mistakes, she eventually complained to OP’s manager about disciplining him, but his manager set the record straight. From then on, the checkout manager started using OP’s actual name:Another department’s manager doesn’t know my name, rages when I don’t answer her


It is unfortunate when individuals with authority abuse their positions or demonstrate incompetence, affecting the morale and well-being of their subordinates. Such behavior not only undermines the foundation of a harmonious work environment but also leaves a lasting impact on the morale and well-being of the employees under their charge. When those in authority fail to uphold the principles of fairness and clear communication, it can create an atmosphere of uncertainty and fear, hindering overall productivity. However, one should stand up for themselves when faced with such challenges.

“Good managers don’t stick around”

Another department’s manager doesn’t know my name, rages when I don’t answer her


“There are good managers at all levels, but there are also useless ones”

Another department’s manager doesn’t know my name, rages when I don’t answer her



“People are promoted until they fail.”

Another department’s manager doesn’t know my name, rages when I don’t answer her


“I replied it wasn’t my job as a student to be her reminder and to just get my name right already.”

Another department’s manager doesn’t know my name, rages when I don’t answer her



Share your own experiences and reflections in the comments section below. Have you encountered similar situations? How did you handle them?

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