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HR Manager Doesn’t Want To Hire Anyone Who Has Pronouns In Their Bio

Pronouns are now a political issue.

I honestly don’t understand why everything related to human rights has been brought up in political debates. Many people believe that ‘they’ is only used for plural, but this is not the case. If ‘they’ read about English grammar, they would realise that this is not the case. However, many people continue to refuse to accept this and talk about it as if it is impossible to be a decent human being. I’m not saying people shouldn’t have opinions. Is this, however, as significant as this individual claims?


Pronouns simply make it easier to identify someone. And you’re not going to use their pronouns directly when you’re talking to that person, are you? You don’t have to ‘agree’ with anything to do with their personality. If you are an employee or a manager, simply treat others with respect and you will be fine. For example, if someone’s name is Bennet and they ask you to call them Ben, will you get upset and call them entitled or lazy? I assume not, so why is this such a big deal?

Source: Twitter

This is the person in question.


They posted the short video on Twitter.

I can only hope they aren’t an HR manager because whoever they work for or may work for in the future will have to deal with lawsuits. Not only that, but they make numerous assumptions based on someone’s pronouns. Their homophobia and transphobia are also evident in this short video. Does putting she/her in my bio automatically make me entitled or lazy? I’d love to understand the logical leaps this person took and how ‘they’ got there.

It has garnered a lot of attention from all kinds of people.


People had a lot of conflicting opinions on the matter.


While most disagreed with the person’s sentiment.


There were some who could see the truth in their words.


I have to agree that they made a lot of assumptions.


I would love to understand how their brain works.

Wanting to be called the right pronoun for yourself now makes you ‘soft’.


I understand why some people believe people who use pronouns in their bios are entitled but that is just a stereotype. Even if we consider it from their perspective, this argument falls apart. If you were born a woman but have more ‘masculine features,’ you may tell people your pronouns because you are not comfortable being addressed with he-him pronouns. I mean, I wouldn’t like it if someone used the wrong pronouns for me, so why is this such a difficult thing to do?

They really need to open their mind up.

This person put it perfectly.


What are your thoughts on the subject? Would you hire someone whose bio includes pronouns? Or do you agree with what they are saying? Please let us know in the comments section below. Also, remember to share this story with your friends so they can share their thoughts as well.


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