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Wife Refuses To Stop Cooking Meat For Sister-In-Law’s Pregnant Sister


OP (24f) and her brother Nate (27) inherited their grandparents’ house, sharing it. Nate’s fiancée’s sister, Trudy (28), moved in due to pregnancy. Trudy requested OP to stop cooking meat due to morning sickness. OP refused to go completely vegetarian, citing her rights. Nate supported Trudy. OP questioned if she should have tried accommodating Trudy’s request for a week. The story explores the clash of individual rights and considerations in shared living spaces, prompting reflection on balancing personal freedoms with compassion in family dynamics.


Scroll down till the end to read the full story.

OP and brother Nate inherited grandparents’ house. With 2 bedrooms, OP lives there, reserving one for Nate.


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Nate informed me Trudy, his fiancée’s sister, would stay in our house, covering half the expenses after a breakup.


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Trudy, initially reserved, revealed her pregnancy. Despite her boyfriend’s persuasion, Nate planned another place for her after the baby’s arrival.


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Trudy, working from home, asked OP to stop cooking smelly food, specifically meat, due to her nausea and heightened sensitivity.


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OP refused to go completely vegetarian for Trudy during her pregnancy, deeming her request arbitrary and opting to cut down instead.


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Nate claimed Trudy’s entitlement to his share, emphasizing her discomfort. OP defended her right to cook as desired. AITA?


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It’s astonishing that OP permitted her brother to make this decision without consulting her. The choice of whether Trudy could move in should have involved her and been a joint decision.

Now that you have read the story, it’s time for you to see what Redditors had to say about this. Read till the end to see what are other people’s opinions on this. Don’t forget to share your own opinion at the end of this article.

NTA, your house, your rules. Everyone has the right to cook as they please in their own home.

It’s your space; you have the right to cook what you want. Trudy’s discomfort doesn’t negate your autonomy.


Your autonomy in your house matters. Cooking preferences should be respected, and you’re not obligated to go vegetarian.

Your home, your choices. You have the right to cook without compromising your preferences for Trudy’s comfort.


OP should cook all the meat.

How could one complain about the cooking smell?


This is going to be good trick to work out.

Entitled people are speechless.


All Redditors think this is an NTA case.

This is not OP’s problem what others thinks as he hasn’t done anything wrong.


The most simple thing is to ask people to leave if they don’t like something.

What are your thoughts on this story? What would you do, or how would you react if you were in OP’s position? You know that your feedback means a lot to us; therefore, we want you to share your thoughts in the comment section below. For more such articles, keep visiting Defused. Have a nice day!

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“May i introduce?! mr fluff!”

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