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15 Cats Take Over Humans As If They Were Always Meant To

Cats takeover humans

Ever found yourself thinking you own a cat, only to discover that, in reality, your feline companion is the one pulling the strings? The enchanting truth is that your cat might just be claiming you as their own! Forget about the traditional shelter visit. Sometimes, the universe aligns, and a cat waltzes into your life, choosing you as their human. What ensues is not just a pet-owner relationship; it’s a delightful dance of mutual understanding and affection.


Picture this: You’re going about your day when, suddenly, a cat crosses your path, casting a spell that binds you together. These unsuspecting individuals went through exactly that, and they’ve generously shared the enchanting details of how it unfolded. Unlike the conventional route of adopting from a shelter, where humans make a choice, being chosen by a cat creates a unique bond that transcends the ordinary.

Imagine a connection where both parties willingly enter into a companionship, each bringing something special to the table. These are stories of serendipity, where the line between pet and owner blurs into a harmonious partnership. Are you ready to explore the captivating narratives of those who’ve experienced the magic of a cat choosing them? Embark on a journey of heartwarming tales that celebrate the extraordinary bonds formed when a cat claims you as their own.

Scroll down below to enjoy!

Source: BillNyeDeGrasseTyson

1. “This little guy showed up on my brother’s farm one day. My brother took him to the vet, and his 10-year-old daughter told him all she wanted was this guy for her Christmas, she wanted no presents anymore but this guy… Meet Popeye”


2. A few weeks back, they began caring for a stray kitten, and to their surprise, this delightful sight appeared on their front porch not long after.


3. Every day, this cat and dog lounge together near this guy’s house, and the interesting part? They don’t even belong to him.


4. Imagine waking up to this view in the morning. It really happened.


5. “Had my window open to have a smoke when I suddenly heard meowing… Turned around to see this guy”


6. “So I walked into the kitchen at 5:30am and saw this in the sink… This is not my cat..”


7. Was found squeaking in a stranger’s backyard, they were left with no option to take it in.

8. “This guy showed up at my back door last night, I guess I own a cat now”


As these endearing tales unfold, one can’t help but marvel at the sheer adorableness of the cat-human connection. Can’t even contain myself imagining a small, furry friend confidently striding into your life, choosing you with an unwavering certainty that warms your heart. The charm lies in the fact that cats seem to possess a special intuition, picking their humans with a finesse that leaves us in awe. Have you ever experienced the enchantment of a cat claiming you as their own? It’s a delightful dance where these charming creatures effortlessly wrap you around their little paws, and resistance becomes futile.

What’s truly heart-melting is the universal truth that no one can resist the magnetic pull of a cat. Once they’ve decided you’re theirs, there’s no turning back. These stories are a testament to the captivating power these furry companions hold over us.

Let’s enjoy some more experiences of felines owning their owners as if they were always meant to. Scroll down below to continue!

9. “Was woken up at 2.45 this morning by this asshole… I don’t own a cat… Is this how you get a cat?”

10. Opting to provide shelter to a stray cat for warmth, they discovered him in this position after a few hours.


11. This charming cat hopped into the guy’s work truck for a little while, and he seemed quite delighted about the unexpected company.

12. When you randomly find a heart-shaped nosed cat in your backyard, you know it is there for a reason.


13. Don’t know how it got there but this is the sight they came home to.

14. “We were hearing some noises in our shop, so we set a live trap and caught this guy”


15. “So, I came home to this… I don’t own a cat”

Have you ever found yourself succumbing to the cuteness of a cat confidently staking their claim on your affections? It’s a universal experience, a delightful quirk in the grand tapestry of life where humans willingly surrender to the irresistible allure of feline companionship.

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your experiences and thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more goodness!


Via imgur

Dog tax.

“Caught him trying to pickpocket my mom’s purse.”


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