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Husband Wants High-Earning Wife To Quit Job And Care For Baby, Gets Shut Down By The Wife

When a couple welcomes a newborn into their lives, they share the responsibility of caring for their child, who relies entirely on them for every need. It’s essential for couples to plan for parenthood when they’re both capable of fulfilling their parental duties, ensuring that one of them is available whenever the child needs them. Occasionally, one parent may need to temporarily leave their job to stay at home and care for the child, a decision typically made through mutual understanding. However, if both parents are unwilling to make career sacrifices, they should reconsider their plans for having a child.


OP initially didn’t want to have a baby as she wanted to focus on her job, but her husband insisted. He proposed that he would become a stay-at-home dad as he disliked his job. Since OP earned more than her husband, she agreed to the arrangement and became pregnant. However, two months after giving birth to her daughter, OP decided to return to her job as agreed, only to find her husband unwilling to stay home with their daughter. Read the full story to understand the challenges OP faced, and share your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Reddit

1. OP refused to resign from her job to look after their baby, citing her spouse’s broken promise to stay home and look after the child.


2. It was decided that her husband would stay home to look after their daughter while she went to work because OP earned more money than her spouse.


3. Although OP’s husband had initially agreed to care for their child, after the birth, he backed out of his promise and insisted that she quit her job instead.


4. OP did not want to leave her well-paying job, especially since her husband had previously volunteered to resign from his own job if they had a child.


Now that you’ve gone through the narrative, let’s examine the opinions of Redditors. Keep reading until the end to discover different viewpoints on the matter.

5. This user cannot comprehend why OP would benefit from leaving her career.


6. Agreed! OP’s husband refused to acknowledge the need for additional income to support their family after having children, insisting that she quit her job instead.


7. OP’s husband might have perceived caring for a child as more challenging than his job.

8. OP’s husband didn’t realize how hard it would be to take care of a baby, so he backed out of his promise to stay home.


9. Indeed, caring for an infant is a significant responsibility that requires attention and dedication.

10. The user’s insight is perceptive; it appears that OP’s husband may have been resistant to relying on his wife for income while caring for their daughter at home.


11. The user suggests that husbands often promise to support their wives after having children but then change their minds later on.

12. Exactly! If OP had known beforehand that her husband would break their agreement regarding the child, she would have never agreed to have a child in the first place.


13. Hopefully, OP was able to resolve her issue with the help of the suggestions provided by the readers.

14. Certainly, if the parents are considering having a child, they should be well aware of the rights and needs of the life they are bringing into the world.


15. OP should sign a written agreement before getting pregnant again, potentially preventing conflicts in the future.

16. OP could handle the legal matters because she was a lawyer, but she found it difficult to deal with emotional blackmail.


17. This user shares a similar story experienced by a friend of theirs.

18. Yes, OP’s husband manipulated her by using the guilt trip of being a “bad mom” to pressure her into changing her decision.


19. This user is lucky to have a nice husband who helps her with all the chores of the house.

20. This user was fortunate to have had such supportive grandparents during their youth.


OP and her husband shared equal responsibility for their daughter, but they faced a dilemma regarding financial stability. Despite OP’s initial reluctance to have children due to her commitment to her job and financial independence, her husband persuaded her to conceive, promising to become a stay-at-home father. However, after just two months of their daughter’s birth, he reneged on his promise. He underestimated the challenges of caring for an infant and pressured OP to quit her job, citing it as the duty of a good mother.

Now, OP faces the dilemma of whether to sacrifice her career for her daughter or find alternative childcare arrangements since her husband refuses to take on the responsibility. What do you think OP should do? Share your thoughts on the solution and stay tuned to Defused for more stories.


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