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Neighbor Wants Redditor To Cut The Tree That Straddles Over Their Property, Gets Trolled

Man Trolls Neighbours

Dealing with neighbours is more difficult than it seems.

Maintaining positive relationships with your neighbours is essential for a peaceful living environment, but navigating the dynamics of different personalities and expectations can be difficult. Small acts of kindness and consideration can go a long way towards building positive relationships with those who live nearby. However, misunderstandings and disagreements can occur, necessitating open communication and compromise to resolve conflicts and ensure peaceful coexistence. However, most of the time, we are stuck with neighbours who nitpick everything and will call you out to tell you what you’re doing wrong.


As someone who has moved houses several times, I can confidently state that some people enjoy sticking their noses where they do not belong. It is usually because they have too much free time and spend it pestering their neighbours. It can be even more annoying if you live in an area with a Home Owners Association, as we all know how strict their rules and regulations can be. So, while the original poster of this story does not have to deal with HOA, they do have to deal with neighbours who are constantly nagging him about a tree. They want him to remove a tree because their arborist says it’s ‘dangerous’.

Scroll down to read the entire story.

Source: Reddit

This is going to be an interesting story, by the looks of it.


The OP has previously taken care of a tree because they wanted to be neighbourly.


The neighbours still weren’t content and wanted OP to do the same once again.


The neighbours even called an arborist that they knew so that he would give a biassed report.


So OP decided to be a little petty and send them a hilariously worded response letter.


Via Reddit

If the first letter were truly honest, I would have said that the OP is completely wrong. After all, if the tree can actually harm someone, they are responsible for removing it. However, it is obvious that the neighbours are dramatising the events. And while I don’t want to make light of brain injuries, I agree with the OP that the guy should wear helmets if he can be seriously injured by a twig.

If they truly want the tree removed for ‘aesthetic’ reasons, they should be the ones to pay for the removal, which is quite expensive. Not only that, but the OP has already been pleasant enough towards them since he got another tree removed prior to this event.

The following is the letter that the neighbours sent him.


Via Imgur

And this is the response letter that OP decided to send them.

Via Imgur

OP even gave them some recommendations on what helmet would be best according to their budget.


Via Imgur

For those who don’t want to read the whole letter, we have highlighted the best part for you.

Your claim that the tree poses a serious safety concern is grossly exaggerated. I took a picture of the “sizeable limb” that fell during the windstorm after you placed the limb at the curb. I measured it. It was approximately 0.75″ in diameter (i.e., a “twig,” not a “limb”) and could not have caused serious harm to a person or property. I realise it is a minor inconvenience to have to pick up twigs and leaves periodically, which is why I have offered to assist in that effort.

I understand your fiancé has a brain injury. If a few falling leaves and twigs are all that stand between another brain injury, perhaps he should (a) not sit under a tree during a windstorm and (b) wear a helmet whenever he’s outside.

People in the comments were generally on OP’s side as seen b the verdict.

I have to admit that the last paragraph was quite funny.


Via Reddit

OP was even kind enough to send them different budget options for the helmet.

Can you imagine the stickiness you would feel in your hair afterwards?


I think we all need someone this petty in our lives.

I wasn’t aware the arborist profession was this lucrative.


Apparently, this is happening due to an event in New York.

Via Reddit

The level of pettiness was amazing.


It did catch me by surprise.

The neighbours aren’t really following the law.


He needs to be ‘neighbourly’ after all.

I wasn’t aware that this was what I needed in my life.


Via Reddit

What are your thoughts on how the OP dealt with the situation? Do you think he could have been more professional in the letter? Or do you think he worded it perfectly, and they can go stuff themselves? Please let us know in the comments section below, and don’t forget to share this story with a friend so that they can share their own similar experiences as well.


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