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Cat Breaks Into Neighbor’s New Home, Gets Trapped There, Cat Owner Wants To Break In

ats are known for their independent nature and tendency to roam outside their owners’ homes, exploring the surrounding streets and yards. While some cats are content to stay indoors, many prefer the freedom of outdoor play and exploration, making it challenging for owners to confine them indoors for their safety.


OP faced a similar challenge with his cat, who vehemently resisted staying indoors. Despite attempts to keep the cat inside, it would often find its way into neighbors’ homes through cat flaps, causing mischief and sometimes stealing food from other pets. One day, OP discovered that his cat had become trapped inside a neighbor’s new home, which was still under renovation and uninhabited. The cat had entered through a cat flap but couldn’t exit due to a microchip sensor installed on the flap. To resolve the situation, OP sought advice and shared his story online. Read on to discover how OP handled the situation and consider offering your insights in the comments section below.

Source: Mumsnet

1. Op’s cat was locked inside a neighbor’s new house, causing concern for Op.


2. Op’s cat had a reputation for entering neighbors’ homes through cat flaps and eating their pets’ food. This behavior persisted for years as Op was unable to confine the cat indoors.


3. OP hadn’t seen his cat for 24 hours, so he went searching for him. He found the cat in a recently purchased and renovated house, owned by a couple who were temporarily residing elsewhere.


4. OP’s cat was locked inside the house because the owners had installed a microchip detector cat-flap, which only opened for cats with their own pet’s microchips.


5. OP’s cat had been inside for 24 hours. Since the couple was not living there, they would likely visit the place after a week.


6. Op searched for the couple’s contact details from all of his neighbors, but no one had their phone numbers. Due to the bank holiday, he could not reach the estate agent who sold the house to them.


7. Op was stuck on how to save his cat without having to break in. Although it would not be acceptable for the homeowner to break in, his cat might not have survived for very long.

Now that you’ve heard the story, let’s dive into what Redditors had to say. Keep reading to discover other people’s perspectives on the matter.

8. OP needs the idea though!


9. Redditor suggests pushing the cat-flap from outside; if successful, it might open up and allow the cat to emerge.

10. Yes! The priority should be the cat’s safety over neighborly relations.


11. Redditor suggests getting in touch with the police so they can find out where the owner is.

12. May be! The smart microchip detector cat-flap was more expensive than a window.


13. If they had linked the security app, they would likely have noticed the cat trapped in their house, but it appears they haven’t done so.

14. Redditor would attempt to breach the fence from the back, smashing the cat flap, and then leave a message at the front door expressing regret and promising to cover the expense of replacing it.


15. Definitely! A note was needed as the cat had done enough damage to the house to upset its owners.

16. According to Redditor, since the cat flap is easily replaceable, the owner would prefer to see damage to it rather than the entire house.


17. OP could not reach the estate agent until Monday due to the bank holiday.

18. Yes, OP had to work fast to find the owners or break the flap since the cat was already without food and water for 24 hours.


19. Redditor advises OP to get in touch with the estate agent at his out of hours number, which ought to be shown on the website.

20. Obviously! OP had to enter the house if the poor cat refused to come out.


Prior to installing these advanced cat flaps, OP’s neighbors should have considered the possibility of unintended pet visitors, as the cat was unaware he was unwelcome. The current dilemma lies in the fact that if OP breaks the flap, there’s a slim chance his cat might utilize it to escape. To safely retrieve his cat, OP needs to swiftly locate the owners’ contact information. Utilizing social media may lead him to the estate agent, his sole hope. Perhaps the owners’ contact details are listed on the house’s advertisement, accessible through their page. Share your insights on OP’s predicament and propose potential solutions. Stay connected with Defused for more captivating narratives.


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