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Rude Daughter Yells At Dad For Waking Up Her Early Because She Ate His Lunch, Family Drama Ensues

Conflict-resolution is usually a complex thing and especially so when it involves your parents. These fights can also be annoying due to how emotionally draining it feels, and of course the unequal distribution of authority. No matter what your age, your parents are fully capable of pushing your buttons, but yelling won’t fix the situation. Screaming at your parents is quite obviously deemed disrespectful, so if your parents weren’t already raising their voice, it simply prompts them to retaliate by screaming as well, resulting in a vicious cycle. In today’s AITA Reddit story, we’re gonna be looking at a 27 year old woman whose conflict with her family started with eating her father’s food. Keep on reading to see the whole story:


Source: u/Ok-Sound-2859

#1) Is OP the AH for yelling at her dad?


#2) OP is a frequent traveler who has rented her place and comes to live with her parents. She and her mom work from home while her dad has a hybrid schedule.


#3) One day, OP’s dad packed some leftover steak and curry for his lunch that OP had been eyeing but ended up bringing it back home.


#4) OP assumed she could eat it now and went for it. OP usually sleeps in till 9 while her dad wakes up at 7.


#5) OP’s dad woke her up, asking about his lunch and OP yelled at him.


#6) OP’s mom got very angry at her and gave her a lecture.


#7) OP tried to defend herself in front of her mom.

#8) OP’s mother called her entitled and asked her to apologize.


Source: u/Ok-Sound-2859

Sometimes you can find yourself not being able to control your frustration and begin yelling at people involved in your life. In almost every circumstance though, it’s not advisable even in the slightest to scream at your parents. Reddit unanimously voted for OP to be declared the a**hole for eating her dad’s lunch, throwing a tantrum when he woke her up to ask where it was, then yelling at her father and not accepting her mistake when her mother calls her out. Users say that her dad is innocent in this situation. Keep on scrolling to read the comments:

#9) It’s the consequences of your own actions, OP.

#10) Seems very childish.


#11) OP should have at least asked.

#12) OP’s dad was very valid for his reaction.


#13) Poor dad. He has to deal with so much.

#14) Hoping OP realizes their mistake.


#15) Some maturity is definitely needed.

#16) Imposing on their space, eating their food and then yelling at them. Really, OP?


#17) 27 is a little too old to be acting like this.

#18) This was the same point OP’s mom brought up and she’s absolutely right for it.


#19) If it was OP’s own house, it might have been slightly understandable but this is just astounding.

#20) If OP doesn’t want to apologize out of ego, it isn’t the best thing to do to herself.


Hello! What did you think of this story? Have you or the people you know encountered this kind of situation before? Let us know down below in the comments and have a great day!


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