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20 Random And Oddly Fascinating Pictures That You Don’t See Everyday

Something you do not get to see every day.

We talk about many other creatures here but today, let’s discuss the weirdest creature of them all. Human. Yes, you heard that right. We are the weirdest creature in this universe. Every other creature seems fine to me but we are the destroyers of nature. Maybe that is probably also the reason why aliens never visit us on our planet because we are worse than them or maybe they watched our stupid, destructive and harmful activities to our own land where we live from a distance and decided that we were not worth the trouble, at all. Science believes that humans are the greatest creature ever, the most intelligent and full of capabilities but I do not see any human who has done anything great. For real,  I do not care about people walking on the moon or making colonies on mars, I do not care there are robots in the making who are exactly like humans or the cars that can fly, I really do not care about all that stuff because it might be politically beneficial but what good it would bring us personally? I want someone to do something for climate control before it is too late. Something that is actually important, that is something I believe would be a great thing to do.


Believe me, humans never run out of weird things to do, every day we see on the internet or live, people doing odd and random human activities that will either shock you, disturb you, make you laugh at their stupidity or creep you out. Today, I am going to try to make you guys laugh with a compilation of the most random pictures…

1. I want to be a part of their lazy gang, please.


via: Reddit

2. This baby goat is so cute!


via: Reddit

3. You have to be prepared, always.


via: Reddit

4. This guy took homemade forts to a whole new level.


via: Themetapicture

5. Have you ever seen happiness and sadness in one picture? If not, here you go.


via: Reddit

6. They are besties, I can tell.


via: Reddit

7. Why would someone throw this out?!

via: Reddit

8. The lady on the left is not pleased by that man’s costume, at all.


via: Themetapicture

Well, the picture above proves my point very well. I told you guys, we all are so weird. Humans are such strange beings. We do not really know how to use our intelligence instead we waste time doing stupid things for fun which is not going to be beneficial for anyone. But these images on the internet still manage to make us laugh, do we ever realize that we are laughing at our kind’s stupidity? Are we ever the laughing stock for someone else? Even, I never thought that. Let’s ignore the deep talk and move on to laughing, keep scrolling because we are only halfway through yet…

9. Call it a bear feeder now.

via: Reddit

10. She is a drifter, cast her in the next fast and furious movie.


via: Reddit

11. Oh, my God. So true!

via: Reddit

12. He looks like he is having the worst day of his life.


via: Reddit

13. Aww, I love this glow up.

via: Reddit

14. This guy is too much invested in his role play.


via: Reddit

15. That pizza place is now hiring ducks as delivery boys too.

via: Themetapicture

16. Some people are so weird, they made that luxurious car look like vomit.


via: Themetapicture

Which was the most random, odd or pointless picture in your opinion? For me, it was the duck on the front door and the letter S made of clouds, that was the most random thing ever. Tell us yours in the comments down below…


What do you think?