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Hilarious Comics Shows Reality Of Living With Pug And Every Pug Owner Can Attest

Beware! You might want to get a pug by the end of this.

we all know that the bond that we share with our pets is almost unbreakable and very strong. Our love for our pets and their love for us increases on a daily basis. It keeps growing endlessly, it is an unconditional and purest form of love. This extremely talented Spanish illustrator Gemma Gené is a very proud dog mom of the cutest pug named Mochi. He is so handsome, he will definitely steal your heart so see his pictures at your own risk. One day when Gemma, the talented illustrator was missing her pet dog Mochi very much while going to work on the subway in 2014, she decided to draw him and never stopped doing that. Look where it got her because now Gemma has over 342k followers who adore and love Mochi so dearly. All of the followers are such big fans of mochi that they know each and every habit of this doggo like he is their own pet.


Trust me, I feel the same way. He is so charming, such a heartthrob! You can not help but fall in love with him. Keep scrolling to see some amazing comics of Mochi made by his mother…

1. Meet Mochi everyone, the loudly snoring angelic pug.


© 157ofgemma / instagram

2. “I am very lucky to have my own bodyguard.”


3. His pupils dilated so big similar to vampires when they smell human blood.


4. This is a true story. Every dog does that. Who knows why.


5. But you must admit it is the best night’s sleep ever, cuddling with the doggos.


6. Yeah, that happens all the time. Surely, we do not deserve dogs. At all.


7. So cute, they seem to think we are playing when we toss them on the bed.

8. Mochi is not a small baby anymore.


9. “My favorite thing in the world is when I look at Mochi and I realize he is staring at me.”

Aww, I think I am in love with Mochi. He is extremely cute and seems like a lovable, caring dog. We all already know how cute pugs are, there is no denying that so it is not a surprise that Mochi is also very adorable, true to his breed. Gemma is so lucky to have such a caring and loving dog like Mochi. We must also appreciate Gemma for her incredible work. These comics are really fun and the light humor is so refreshing. I love the illustration of chunky little Mochi, it is so cute, she is definitely very talented and creative. This is the best combination, the best duo ever, an artist and a dog. We love these both so much. Keep on scrolling down to see more of these comics…

10. Mochi is definitely the most favorite and spoiled one in their house, it shows.


11. I am sure it looks like you are living in a dream when you get lucky to have an extremely cute doggo like Mochi.

12. This is the reality of having pets.


13. Instant mood change.

14. I would resign and live peacefully with my dog if they looked at me like that.


15. Mochi is so handsome!

16. They just do not care about their dad. Mommy’s boys they all are.


17. Mochi clearly always gets what he wants.

18. Ah, the last image had to be so wholesome. We love it.


I love these comics so much, it was extremely wholesome. The last illustration was so beautiful, it warmed my heart. I told you to be careful you might end up wanting to own a pug. I do not know about you but I definitely do want a pug just as cute as Mochi. What breed of dog do you have? Tell us in the comments down below…


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