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40 Halloween Costumes That Became Even Better Because Two People Were Involved

Two people costumes are the best.

Why? Because you get to go with your friend or partner. However, that doesn’t mean it is always easy to think of a costume that will actually make sense and one that you will both like. After all, not everyone wants to go as Joker and Harley Quinn. So don’t worry, we don’t have any ‘generic’ costume ideas here. Not that the most famous costumes can’t be amazing.


But we just wanted to shed light on some subtle costumes that people went with for their Halloween celebrations. From dressing up as a litter box to go along with your kitty to going as the infamous shinning twins, these people have done it all. And now you can see for yourself by scrolling below. These costumes will surely leave you in awe so let us get on with the good stuff.

#1 Don’t kitties usually cover up their poo when done?


#2 This is a great costume and you don’t even have to add a frame filter in the editing process.


#3 They look pretty normal for being fairy odd parents.


#4 Harold and Maude have never looked better.


#5 Babe the blue ox is looking a bit angry here.


#6 Is it just me or do the sizes look a bit weird?


#7 For those who really like sushi.

#8 Maeby has the expression spot on.


#9 Two hot sauces together? That must be fiery.

#10 Cookie monster sure took a big old bite out of this one.


#11 The perfect duo in my opinion.

#12 I can almost imagine the grating voice of Navi.


#13 Why would you wanna go as Maitlands?

#14 This is a big no from me.


#15 They look too darn comfortable to be Ice Climbers.

#16 The perfect couple in my opinion.


#17 I didn’t know the Tardis could ever look this good.

#18 Mario and Luigi are the best duo.


#19 They fit somewhat perfectly.

#20 Is the beer can part of the costume?


If you were to coordinate your costume with your partner or friend, what would you go as? Or have you already done that many times before. I mean it does seem like a fun idea even though it can be pretty hard to get just one costume right let alone two. But where there is a will, there is a way.

#21 Richie has his style on point.

#22 This is the cutest monster I have ever seen.


#23 Hopefully Khal Drogo gets to live a long and healthy life.

#24 Don’t think that ball will fit.


#25 Where is Mary Poppins umbrella?

#26 Both looks nailed perfectly for Breakfast at Tiffany’s.


#27 When did Pikachu become so clingy?

#28 Don’t we all have monsters under our beds?


#29 Which dwarf did snow white choose I wonder?

#30 Howl’s hair is looking on-fleek.


#31 Pac Man should never be this close to a ghost.

#32 Batman is looking a bit weird right here.


#33 The perfect kiss.

#34 The bunny should have known this would happen with Alice around.


#35 Old school movie stars had a great sense of style.

#36 Alex and Piper don’t look to be in jail right here.


#37 Google maps will always help you find your location in a roundabout way.

#38 Bob Ross looks quite happy with his art right here.


#39 Just a lovely old couple.

#40 Starwolf was always such a good boy.


Which one of these costumes did you like the best. Comment down below and let us know. Don’t forget to share these costume ideas with your friends as well so they can chime in with their opinion too.


What do you think?