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Mama’s Boy Doesn’t Want To Have A Vacation With His Girlfriend Without His Mother


Setting boundaries is crucial.

They may not appear to be as significant, but they are far more important than we realize. People are more likely to take advantage of us if we do not draw a clear line in every relationship we have. You can’t blame them later either because you never maintained a reasonable distance between yourself and the other person in the first place. Setting boundaries with your parents, on the other hand, is difficult. Because we spend so much time completely reliant on our parents, that line can become muddled even after we have fully matured and are considered adults. And, because not every parent is a good person, they will manipulate and deceive their children for their own benefit.

That is exactly what is happening in this particular story. While there’s nothing wrong with having a close relationship with one or both of your parents, there’s a line that neither you nor your parent should cross. Even baby birds must learn to fly at some point, and how will they do so if they do not first fall down? The woman’s boyfriend in this story has no concept of personal space at all. And, while his relationship with his mother appears to be normal at first, they quickly descend into an emotionally ince*tuous relationship.

If you scroll down, you’ll see what I mean.

Source: Reddit

Spending time one-on-one with your partner is important.


OP and her boyfriend seem to have a good relationship.


Although the biggest problem is her boyfriend’s mother.


She is apparently always there.


And they never have time to be alone with each other.


And though she loves her boyfriend.


He hasn’t really done anything to solve this issue.

And that is why she needs help.


We don’t get a full picture of the guy’s and his mother’s relationships, but OP mentions a lot of strange things in the comments, so it’s safe to say they’re both in desperate need of boundaries. I understand she loves her boyfriend, but does she really want to be with someone who thinks it’s okay for his mother to stay in the same room as them while they’re on their honeymoon? I am well aware that many children want to care for their parents as they age, but this is not the way to go. And if this woman was a caring parent, she would not have acted in this manner.

People in the comments were quite confused by this behaviour.

After all, this is very weird.


But at least she got some good advice.

Which OP was open to.


However, there were a few people who warned her.

And thus we learned a bit more about her boyfriend’s obsession with his mother.


This doesn’t seem healthy at all.

Have you ever seen anything like this? Do you believe he’s just a mama’s boy? Or do you believe there is emotional inc*st in this relationship? What would you do if your partner behaved in this manner? Would you stay in a relationship with them or would you end it? Please let us know in the comments section below. Don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can share their own experiences as well.


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