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Creepy Landlord Imposes A Curfew On Her Tenant And Treats Her Like Her Own Daughter


There aren’t many good landlords in the world.

I’m not saying that every person who owns property and has tenants is automatically a bad person, but it’s rare to find landlords who act like decent people. I understand that, at the end of the day, it is a business, and they can’t afford to make many concessions because it will hurt their bottom line. However, just because someone lives on the landlord’s property does not give the landlord the right to treat their tenants as if they were possessions. However, that is exactly how many landlords behave, and they believe they can get away with it. They appear to have forgotten that the tenant is not living there for free and that it is a contractual relationship.

Although the landlord’s behaviour in the following story is unusual, we’ve all heard stories about landlords raising rent out of nowhere or failing to fix things, but this lady stands out. She appears to be treating her tenant as if she were her own daughter. And, while this may appear to be very wholesome at first glance, I believe many people would find this type of behaviour unacceptable and creepy. After all, there are clearly defined boundaries in the relationship between a landlord and their tenant. Some people may go out of their way to form a relationship with their tenant or provide support, but this crosses the line, especially since the poster of the story isn’t comfortable with it.

You can check it out for yourself by scrolling down.

Source: Reddit

Yes, OP is talking about her landlord.


When she moved into a new place, things seemed alright.


The landlady was quite nice at first as well.


That was until she started imposing restrictions on OP.


She even imposed a curfew.


And now she is resorting to low tactics to get what she wants.


While OP has tried to find a solution, the landlady isn’t budging.

So OP is clearly in a very weird situation.


The landlady might be feeling lonely from the looks of it.

So for now OP has been going home less and less.


So she has asked Reddit for some advice.

Since the OP is an adult, many people would consider it overbearing if even their mothers acted like this. I’m not sure how this woman thinks this is acceptable behaviour. I can sympathise with her because she appears to be lonely. However, she also does not have the right to force a stranger to be her surrogate daughter. It’s also odd that the landlord’s son considers OP to be his big sister. This would be fine if the OP was comfortable with it, but not many people would be. And you never know when a situation like this will escalate, so it is best to cut ties before it worsens.

Unsurprisingly, people told her to move out.


This is only going to get worse.

I would have to agree that this is very creepy.


Even a mother wouldn’t be this overbearing.

This might be the perfect solution.


What do you think of this creepy landlord? Do you believe she is simply lonely and going about it incorrectly? Or do you believe the OP should leave as soon as possible? What would you do if you found yourself in this situation? Let us know in the comments, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can join in the conversation as well.


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