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20 Adoption Stories We Scrolled Through Today That Made Our Day Better

We’ve been swooning over the lovely rescue and adoption stories of our four-legged companions, witnessing their lives transformed. Nothing warms the hearts of humans like reading about a dog or cat who was adopted and is now happy in its new home. All of these stories have the capacity to restore your faith in humanity and demonstrate the transformative power of love when they are done right. If you’re looking for stories that will make you both cry and laugh, this is the place to find them. Even if you’re ready to give up on humanity, an adoption story can restore your faith in the goodness of others.

1. Black cats are the best cats!

via u/kkat02

“Me: im going to the shelter to get a cat bf: just dont get a black cat The cat I pick:”

2. Who would not want to adopt this beautiful kitty?!

via u/SadPetDad21

“Went to adopt a kitten. The woman running the rescue said she just got a black cat and was sad because she said nobody would adopt him because he’s 13 yrs old and ‘plain’ so I said.. I’ll take him too! A week later when the kitten was ready, I took him and his brother was crying. So I got all 3”

3. Her name should be ‘Hotdog’!

via u/raphaelx66

“She arrived at our house in the wheel well of a car that made a 30-minute cross-state journey. We tempted her out with a hot dog. Help us find a name for her!”

4. Hello cuteness!

via u/ElleNova77

5. Autumn sounds like a nice name for this cutie!

via u/xTheLeprechaun

“Name ideas please! We found her crawling out of brush on the side of a highway. Bonus points for names relating to that fortuitous moment or her colors.”

6. Those eyes are sure to steal millions of hearts!

via u/Themastercommander10

“My soon-to-be little boy! Help me pick a name!”

7. The cuteness is just too much!!

via u/Rood_Dood

“Picking up these cute brothers this weekend. Any name ideas?”

8. Play with this little boi!

via u/deermandarkwoods

“Rescued this little guy from the streets of Guam. I need some name suggestions!”

9. “Welcome home Mowgli”!

via  u/makingmemesatwork

“I’ve wanted a dog since I was 7. Finally got this little guy. Welcome home Mowgli!”

10. Meow meow furever.

via u/SkankHunt421b

“My wife and I can’t agree on a good name for this new kitten. Hopefully you guys can help us name him. We are hoping for a non-human like name.”

11. Those eyes and paws! So adorable!

via  u/Hoshef

“Brand new little girl and we need help coming up with a name! Any suggestions?”

12. Glad to see this kitty found a new home!

via u/Cheesecakesx

“New kitten had fleas at previous home and was not happy for his first bath.”

13. What a cutie-pie!

via  u/Diamondhighlife

“Got this beautiful girl from the shelter today!”

14. They are so precious!

via  u/Rocky_Whore

“Rescued two little kittens. One has a heart on her forehead!”

15. Maui is super handsome!

via u/jakeycakey1

“A weekend with no plans turned into coming home with Maui. Welcome home my boy!”

16. Every cat owner ever!

via  u/Lurd67

17. Kitty goals!

via u/Mayyy_22

“My new kitten just lays on me all day”

18. “MEOWW!”

via u/sanjinpuga

“My brother brought this lady home today,she will be my new.partner i guess, any name suggestions?”

19. “I’m smol and cute!”

via u/SirDempsey93

“My very first Kitten. I haven’t had a cat since I was a small child. I’m so in love .”

20. This is such a pretty picture!

via u/FormalConclusion1347

“So I adopted this cat a week ago. Found a perfect moment to click the picture finally.”

Let us know if you have ever rescued a pet before!  What do you think about these adorable rescued pets?!


What do you think?