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Entitled BF Gives Girlfriend Of Two Months Cat Ultimatum: It’s Him Or The Cat

Are you experiencing difficulties in your relationship because of your pet?

We have read many stories about couples who have a pet but are allergic to it or who do not enjoy sharing their home with these wonderful creatures. If you are one of these couples who is experiencing difficulties and finding yourself in a similar scenario, you may find today’s topic to be particularly interesting because it closely mirrors your own life situation.

Being in a relationship can turn out to be a gift in disguise. It’s both rewarding and challenging at the same time, which is a good combination. Every relationship is lovely and unique in its own way; similarly, every relationship’s disagreements are distinctive in their own way. In order to maintain a relationship, a great deal of effort, compromise, and time must be invested. In the event that you are unable to make modest and little concessions, you may find yourself in serious problems.

So, this guy posted his story on Reddit and asked his girlfriend to pick between her cat and her boyfriend, which resulted in a disagreement not only in their personal lives but also the majority of strangers responded negatively to his post by leaving unsupportive comments. Just keep scrolling to read the whole story and don’t forget to pour in your suggestions in the comments area at the end!

AITA POST: A Hard Decision!

Via tttthrowssaway

So his girlfriend decided to adopt a cat from a shelter, but the guy was allergic to cats and advised her to adopt a dog instead. Because he was a dog person.

Via  tttthrowssaway

His girlfriend was asked to choose between her cat and her boyfriend.

Via  tttthrowssaway

Later, when his girlfriend requested some space, the guy sought advice from his friends!

Via tttthrowssaway

Believe it or not, one of the most prevalent sources of conflict in relationships is a dog or cat. A variety of conflicts arises because of this common source of conflict: PETS!

While these disagreements may appear to be little and not warrant the time and effort to sit down and discuss them, the reality is that they have the potential to escalate into more serious disagreements or difficulties over time. It is therefore important to determine whether or not your pet is the cause of the dispute between you and your spouse and then to figure out how to deal with the situation. Many people consider maintaining a healthy relationship to be a top priority. But. Because there are numerous options and remedies available for this problem, it is OK if one of the partners has an allergy to certain pets. There are no rules, only priorities; if the guy was serious about moving in with his girlfriend, he might seek medical advice or discuss the situation with his girlfriend before taking any steps.

The majority of the strangers gave this guy a SHUT UP call and passed some comments on this post:

Via MeldoRoxls
Via  Temporary_Badger
Via Amblonyx
Via  Petty_Stranger
Via mm172
Via cat-lover76
Via  tulipbunnys
Via arkinnox
Via arkinnox

What do you think? Is the girlfriend better off with her cat or her boyfriend? Have you ever experienced something similar? If so, let us know the whole story in the comment section below. We’d love to hear from you!


What do you think?