
Stranger Takes Up Unnecessary Space In The Parking Lot, BMW Driver Takes Revenge

Parking is not an easy thing to do.

Especially when most of the parking spots are taken and you have to squeeze your car in between another car and a hard place. it is never fun trying to open your door and realizing you are stuck because the other person didn’t park their car between the lines. It’s like people don’t realize that the yellow markings are there for a reason.

And just because you have a ‘big car’ doesn’t mean you can be a douche about it. However, we all know BMW drivers don’t have the best repertoire when it comes to anything related to parking and driving. While I realize not everybody is like this. The following sorts of people give everyone a bad name. So it is really nice to see them get their comeuppance in a very spectacular fashion.

Source: Reddit

I have no idea why people do this but they get what they deserve pretty quickly as well.


He did say ‘normally’ so usually he seems to be a pretty decent driver.


Parking spots are big enough for most cars if people park right and within the lines.


Sometimes petty revenge is the best revenge.


There is also a picture with proof of what really happened. I bet the other driver had to shimmy in.


So it all worked out well in the end.


The cost of your vehicle has nothing to do with where and how you park.

I would love to hear that story.


Way way back in the long ago, I was a freshly minted code geek with a love for speed. I bought a new Rx-7 turbo. Loved that thing. Drove it to the mall. Parked way out in the south 40 – there were no other cars in that lot at all. I parked neatly in space because I’m not a d*ck.

Come back after doing my duty as a consumer to find that there is one other car in the lot now. And it is parked next to my passenger side door. And my month old car has a door ding.

People suck. –ggapsfface

The proof is always the way to go.

That is called instant karma and it is the sweetest.


Have you ever done something similar? If so how did it go? Comment down below and let us know.


What do you think?