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Boyfriend Breaks Up With Girlfriend Because She Went To A Vacation With Male Friends Including Her Ex

Upset Boyfriend

Everyone has boundaries in their relationships.

Relationship boundaries are essential for maintaining mental and emotional health. They contribute to a sense of self-worth and ensure that people are treated with dignity and respect. Understanding and communicating these boundaries is critical for maintaining healthy and satisfying relationships. Now, when I say boundaries, I don’t mean allowing your partner to have any friendships other than you or requiring them to ask you before doing anything. Boundaries should be reasonable and mutually agreed upon so that both partners feel comfortable and respected. It is critical to strike a balance between independence and connection in a relationship.


After all, everyone has a line that, if crossed, will mean the end of the relationship. Some people draw the line when their partner lies to them, while others draw it when their partner goes on vacation with their ex. There is nothing wrong with being friends with the gender you prefer, but that doesn’t mean your partner has no say in the matter, especially if you’re keeping things from them. It is reasonable to feel insecure when going on vacation with your male friends, including the guy you used to hook up with. You can read the entire story and form your own opinion by scrolling down.

I believe the OP was much nicer than most would have been in his situation.

Source: Reddit

From the title, we can surmise that OP was not happy that his girlfriend was going on a vacation with her male friends.

It was clear from the start that her going on a vacation with her male friends made him uncomfortable.


One of the male friends also used to hook up with her, so OP decided to break up with her the moment she came back from the vacation.


OP even went as far as to pick her up from the airport and only broke up with her once he was back at the house.


She was obviously not happy with this decision and mentioned that he should have told her that this is what would happen if she did go on vacation.


Via Reddit

OP also had an update and explained some things about the relationships that paint his ex in an even worse light.


OP was okay with her male friends, but she hid the fact that she used to hook up with one of them from OP.


OP isn’t sure if she cheated on him, but he is tired of speculating all the time, so he ended the relationship.


He not only picked her up at the airport but also broke up with her in person. And he had no responsibility to inform her of the consequences of her actions. After all, he made it clear that he was uncomfortable with her going on the vacation in the first place. It wasn’t like this happened out of nowhere. She should have known what was coming. Many people would have broken up with her over text while she was on vacation.

Who would think of the guy they used to hook up with as a brother?


People also shared similar stories that don’t give a lot of hope for the ex-girlfriend’s actions.


Via Reddit

Most people would have broken up over text.

OP was pretty clear right from the start about his boundaries.


He didn’t give her an ultimatum; he just broke up with her.

It is the OP’s decision after all.


It is just a bit weird.

Via Reddit

This kind of thing apparently happens a lot more than you’d think.


She would have realised that she could do whatever she wanted, and OP wouldn’t say anything.

Everyone has boundaries that other people should respect.


Sometimes it is better to let go before it is too late

To be fair, I’ve seen a lot of people on Reddit with a spine.


Via Reddit

What are your thoughts on this situation? Do you think the OP should have issued her an ultimatum before she left on vacation? Or do you believe he was justified in ending their relationship in this manner? What would you do if you were in this situation? Let us know in the comments section below, and don’t forget to share this story with a friend so they can add their thoughts as well.


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