Having children does not make you unique.
I understand that saying this will offend some people, but it is the truth. Just because you have a child and are struggling does not entitle you to preferential treatment. However, many people overlook this fact. Now, I’m not suggesting that children be treated the same as adults because that would be unjust. After all, a child’s brain isn’t fully developed, so they’re more prone to making mistakes and failing to comprehend the consequences of their actions. That is why it is critical that the adults around them teach them these basic facts so that they do not grow up to be entitled brats.
However, because the children are a third party in all of this, today’s story isn’t really about them. The poster of this story, you see, wanted to get on a crowded train, and they live in London. If you’re wondering why I mentioned the city they live in, it’s because anyone who has ever used the underground trains knows how busy it can get and how everyone is just trying to get through their day and doesn’t have time to be ‘nice’ to everyone around them. That’s the situation OP was in when she tried to board the train but was denied because some kids were apparently sitting on the floor.
You can see how she handled this situation by scrolling below.
Source: Reddit
The title makes her sound worse than it actually is.
We first need to get some context on what this is about.
As we all know London can be quite busy.
So when OP decided to get on the train, there wasn’t any space.
Source: Reddit
The reason was that some kids were sitting on the floor.
She tried to get them to move but nobody was listening.
The conversation was just in circles.
So she just squeezed in anyway.
Source: Reddit
This obviously caused a few people to get annoyed with her.
That is why she is now on Reddit asking if what she did was okay.
But the story doesn’t end there.
As she did update later on justifying her actions.
And also explanation on the details.
Apparently, some people on the train were quite patronising.
And if she had waited, she would have been late.
Source: Reddit
In this case, I can understand both sides of the argument. I understand that the kids were probably tired and chose to sit on the floor. However, this does not mean that everyone around them will be grateful when they realise they will have to wait for the next train. I mean, if I were in her shoes, I’d be annoyed as well. Personally, I would not have handled it the same way she did, but I understand she was in a hurry.
Furthermore, allowing children to sit on the train’s floor is extremely dangerous. What if something went wrong? They could have been seriously injured. So I can confidently state that she was not in the wrong.
Surprisingly, people were on her side.
And some mentioned how dangerous it was for the kids as well.
It wouldn’t have been difficult for the kids to stand either.
What do you think about this story? Do you think she could have handled it better and was too direct? Or do you think she was correct to say aloud what many people on that train were probably thinking? How would you have dealt with it? Please let us know in the comments section below. Also, don’t forget to share this story with your friends so that they can share their own similar experiences.
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