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Clever Developer Hacks Life, Discovers How To Automate His Job And Work 10 Minutes A Day From Home

Technology is advancing and everything has been becoming possible. Since the traditions of work from home started, many employees would cleverly automate their jobs and no one would ever catch them. In the same context, we are going to share with you a story of an employee who hacked life, by automating his job while working from home. The most interesting fact is that he was doing his job for only 10 minutes a day and the rest of everything was automated. He kept doing it until 5 years. He shared this story on Reddit and it immediately bumped. I mean, how could it not? Let’s read it story in his own words and then see how he was able to manage this clever task alone. Do not forget to read people’s comments at the end to know what they had to say.


1. This is how the story starts

2. A simple script started performing his entire job and he played video games all day in COVID


3. Sometimes he would be guilty but then he would think that there’s no harm done. He decided if he loses his job he will get rid of the script


4. These are all the questions he answered that would be bugging in your mind too


5. He told here how the script works and that it’s only contextual. Upon people asking him to sell this code, he told that it’s not worth a million


Well, now that you have read the story it’s time for you to jump towards the comments people made. Do they think what the guy was doing was justified and right or he was doing some unfair thing? Let’s find out below

6. People with some technical mentality had many suggestions to give to him


7. Now that can be a good justification we never thought of while reading the story at first..


8. This post really makes us all think we should legit learn coding as it can do wonders


9. To those who are asking about direct deposit..


10. Now here’s some great justification from a user who said why his automated job was justified as he was always on call when they needed him



12. His work is truly commendable, we all must appreciate it with clapping hands having a genius mind is everything


13. Another interesting story from a woman

14. Most of the people were of the view that the guy had been doing nothing wrong but his job


15. Find out!

Well done, this guy really is clever. If you are from IT, this story must have amused you. It makes us realize what coding can do and how the world is shifting in a different direction. Share your feedback with us on this story. Do you have any similar stories to tell us? Share it with us in the comment section. Also, tell us whether you think the work of this guy was justified. If you want more crazy stories from Reddit users coming your way, keep visiting defused and stay connected for more. Stay blessed and have a nice day.


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