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Mother Demands Money From Daughter In Anticipation Of Her Book Release, Family Drama Ensues


OP’s parents demanded money from OP’s income, and OP’s mom, who always pushed for it, continues after OP’s parents’ split. She now struggles with drugs and instability. OP is almost done with a book, and she asks for money from its potential earnings for Christmas. OP politely declined, but OP is frustrated. OP wanted to say she doesn’t deserve it, focusing on OP’s family’s needs first. OP holds back to avoid family drama. It’s challenging as she prioritizes her boyfriend’s kids over her own grandchildren. OP vented frustration here, seeking understanding. Is OP the jerk for prioritizing OP’s family over OP’s irresponsible mom’s requests?


Scroll down till the end to read the full story.

OP’s mom consistently demanded money, even after OP’s parents split. OP helped financially but felt frustrated. Now, the mom seeks money from OP’s upcoming book, causing distress.


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OP tried to repay mom for upbringing, but after parents’ split, mom’s life spiraled into drugs and reckless behavior, straining their relationship.


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OP faced a turning point during a Thanksgiving visit when mom secluded herself with unknown men. Her unstable life strains family ties.


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OP, almost done writing a book, seeks reviews from friends and family, but mom shows no interest despite years of effort.


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OP gets a message from mom asking for book money for Christmas. He firmly declines, prioritizing his family over her financial requests.


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OP rejects mom’s request for book money, highlighting family priorities. He emphasizes supporting his wife, kids, and friends over her financial demands.


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OP is cursing his mother and letting it out of his chest.

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In the story, OP’s mom asks for money from their book, but OP prioritizes their own family. The message is clear: family should come first, and it’s important to set boundaries. OP focuses on providing for their wife, kids, and friends, rightly choosing to prioritize those who actively contribute to their life. It’s a lesson in standing firm and putting immediate family needs above unreasonable demands.

Now that you have read the story, it’s time for you to see what Redditors had to say about this. Read till the end to see what are other people’s opinions on this. Don’t forget to share your own opinion at the end of this article.

What OP should do is straightforwardly tell his mother that he cannot giver her more money.


Handling family financial expectations can be challenging. You’re doing the right thing by putting your wife, kids, and friends first.

Your mom’s request seems unreasonable. Prioritizing your wife, kids, and friends is the right choice. Stay firm in your decision.


It’s tough when family expects financial support without contributing positively. You’re right to prioritize your immediate family’s well-being.

OP is doing it right to prioritize his immediate family’s well-being.


What are your thoughts on this story? What would you do, or how would you react if you were in OP’s position? You know that your feedback means a lot to us; therefore, we want you to share your thoughts in the comment section below. For more such articles, keep visiting Defused. Have a nice day!

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