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Company Charges Nonsensical Convenience Fee, Customer Makes Things Even Less Convenient

Its pretty usual for banks, mortgage buyers and other some of the famous event ticketing companies to charge fee that might have no reality but just manipulating their customers so that they can empty their customer’s pockets. These Companies call that a convenience fee which is for their convenience not for yours. The people get to pay the fees because the companies are too big to get questioned for what they are literally doing to their pure customers another fact that they owe them money too, so the companies get what they want. That’s how they make you fall into this trap which is no less than a theft.


As they say modern problems require modern solutions, so the customers have also equipped themselves  to deal with such nonsense. When they come up with such solutions its the customers who are wrong and not the bank? Its really funny and interesting to see people come up with such creative solutions and shows how we can stand for ourselves.

It is really fun and interesting to watch people come up with such creative solutions against Money, Power and Fear.

1. Someone gets charged for to pay their bills online while they can still pay that through other options as well.

Font - r r/MaliciousCompliance · Posted by u/TheUncleBob 13 hours ago O O 4 26 S 3 Mortgage sold to a company that wants to charge me $14.95 to pay my bill online. So I send them a check every week for 1/4th the amount instead. oc s I figured someone here might get a kick out of this. Last year, for like the 6th time since we bought our house, our mortgage was sold to yet another company. I've never been late paying it, have occasionally made extra payments, never had any issues.

2. The customer finds it stupid to pay bill online because the company is charging a “convenience” fee for that.

Font - But this new company wants to charge me a $14.95 "convenience" fee to take a payment online. This is absolutely stupid. I can make a payment over the phone and pay another fee, or I can mail a check/money order for no fee. Also, I can set up auto- pay, giving them access to my bank account, but that's a hard no from me. So, I went online and my bank has a neat bill pay service where you can set it to repeat weekly, monthly, etc.


3. The customer comes up with really interesting solution this time.

Font - Took the montly payment, rounded it up a bit, then set my bank to cut them a check every week for a bit over 1/4th the amount. Doesn't cost me a dime - I don't even pay postage. I'm sure the money comes out of the account a little earlier than the mortgage company actually gets it, losing me a tiny bit of interest or something, but man, it makes me feel better that for trying to charge me $15 for what is essentially an automated process for them, they now get to process 4-5 checks a month

4.  Look at this amazing story of a customer who turned the whole penalty upside down

Font - 69vuman · 14 hr. ago 2 33 Had a work friend once that worked hard at a second job for about 4 years. His plan was to pay off his mortgage early. The mortgage co. told him that his mortgage had a prepay penalty, a relatively large one. He consulted his attorney who advised home to pay it all except $200. Then he advised him to pay it monthly by check for about $0.54. After about a year, the bean counters at the mortgage co. told the customer service person to call my friend and make him a


5. That’s really cool old school solution to such problems.

Font - rocketcat_passing - 14 hr. ago Gotta tell you my late mom's story. They bought a house in 1975 and just like yours the lender changed hands numerous times. My mom was old school and would keep every single canceled check in shoe boxes. For 30 years. When it finally came down to a few more months left the last lender sent notice that a bunch of months were never received and they now owed thousands in arrears. She copied the checks in question and they reluctantly sent them the deed.
Hope you are enjoying these interesting solutions, there are more of them below, you might find some solutions quite a lot relatable to yours problems too. Keep scrolling and enjoy the creative solutions.

6. Some horror stories ahead.

Font - Ghargoyle · 14 hr. ago Make sure they're actually applying these payments. I've seen horror stories of people who have done similar things and the mortgage company will just sit on the money because they aren't receiving full payments. Vote Reply Share Report Save Follow TheUncleBob OP - 13 hr. ago I check my paper statement diligently. The one I make them mail me.

7. Convenience fee makes people angry and it just doesn’t really makes sense, you get charged as a penalty for a facility that you get.

Font - Substantial_Read_520 · 14 hr. ago Convenience fees make me rage hardcore. You mean to tell me that as a reward for paying my bills, ON TIME, I'm being charged extra for the PRIVILEGE of making the payment in the easiest way for both parties?! Choke on a Popeyes biscuit. _!, Vote J Reply Share TheBlueNinjao - 11 hr. ago Our HOA just changed management companies due in part to this shit. Several of us complained about a $24 convenience fee unless you paid your dues 7 business days in advanc

8. Someone came up with such an amazing solution that it might cost the bank to pay the interest, that’s hilarious!

Font - dakwegmo - 13 hr. ago Bonus: By sending them a check a week, you are lowering the balance a little bit faster (and making an extra full payment a year) which means you're paying the loan off faster and saving yourself (and costing them) interest. Vote Reply Share TheUncleBob OP · 13 hr. ago Yeah. I had been making occasional extra payments prior, but this way keeps my budget straight and guarantees the extra payments! Each individual check is a bit closer to 1/3rd the monthly payment, so

9. This one’s really interesting, do read it.

Font - zellamayzao · 6 hr. ago When my wife and I were just dating she was renting a apartment. She was about 4 steps from the leasing office. They had an app that charged you 5$ to pay your rent with, or, like in your case, giving them a check was free. Every month on the first she would turn up with a rent check on her way to a local bank...then the leasing office lady would bring checks to that local bank and my wife would deposit them in the business account for the leasing office

10. Someone doing math of the inconvenience fee.

Font - Inquisitive-Ones · 7 hr. ago Good for you. $14.95 x 12 (annually) = $179.40 x 30 years = $5,382 = inconvenience fee Double dipping since you already pay interest on the money you borrowed for the loan. I watched this become more common since the beginning of the Pandemic. Such greed.
Hope you enjoyed all these amazing solutions to the problems. The convenience fee is such thing that doesn’t really needs to be existed at the first place but the banks always want extra cash out of your pocket not all the banks but some do, so the people also try to tackle such situations and no one wants to pay extra money so the people always come up with solutions and make sure that the bank doesn’t charges them an extra dime and in fact they make sure that the bank pays for all this nonsense. The people find loop holes within the banking system and make the whole convenience fee nonsense upside down by making the make to pay interest at the end. We hope that you enjoyed these ideas, Stay tuned with Defused for more of fun content.

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