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Company Keeps Paying Employee Months After He Had Quit

Company Keeps Paying Employee Months After He Had Quit Since They Didn't Realize He Didn't Work There Anymore

In the world of work, we often encounter our fair share of unusual experiences and unexpected situations.

Today, we bring you a truly remarkable story that defies conventional workplace norms and leaves us scratching our heads in disbelief. Prepare to delve into the intriguing tale of OP, who found themselves entangled in a series of perplexing events involving a poorly managed clothing store, mysterious paychecks, and an unexpected windfall.


Imagine working for a company that doesn’t seem to notice your presence or lack thereof, where training is virtually non-existent, and where even the act of buying discounted merchandise becomes an ethical conundrum. This is precisely the surreal reality that OP faced during their short-lived employment at a well-known clothing store. As they recount their experience, you’ll be taken on a rollercoaster ride filled with managerial incompetence, confusion, and even unexpected financial gain. To read the complete story, scroll below.

The title of the post:

Company Paid Me for Months After I had Quit Since They Didnt Realize I Didnt Work There Anymore


OP worked at a popular clothing store during their college years, alongside their roommate. However, OP found that the store was poorly managed. During their first week, nobody was aware of OP’s scheduled shifts or responsibilities. They were simply instructed to wander around and fold clothes without any proper training. Company Paid Me for Months After I had Quit Since They Didnt Realize I Didnt Work There Anymore


Employees were required to wear the store’s clothing while on duty. When OP attempted to purchase items using their employee discount, the manager suggested they should just take the clothes without paying. However, OP was uncomfortable with the idea of stealing and insisted on paying for their purchases.

Company Paid Me for Months After I had Quit Since They Didnt Realize I Didnt Work There Anymore



OP left their job at the clothing store after a short period due to its chaotic nature. However, they continued to receive paychecks for weeks despite no longer working there. OP contacted the corporate office multiple times to inform them of the situation, but both parties were confused.

Company Paid Me for Months After I had Quit Since They Didnt Realize I Didnt Work There Anymore



Years after OP’s brief employment at the company, they received a letter from a lawyer informing them about a Class action suit against the company. The lawsuit claimed that OP, despite having worked there for a short period, was entitled to compensation for inadequate payment.

Company Paid Me for Months After I had Quit Since They Didnt Realize I Didnt Work There Anymore



Intrigued by the situation and curious about the outcome, OP wanted to see what would transpire. Eventually, they received a $100 gift card in the mail as compensation, which amused them since it was based on the duration they were paid rather than their actual employment length.

Company Paid Me for Months After I had Quit Since They Didnt Realize I Didnt Work There Anymore



Amidst the chaos and questionable practices, OP discovered an opportunity to participate in a class action lawsuit against the very store they had only briefly worked for. Motivated by curiosity and a desire to witness the outcome, they decided to join forces with fellow employees who felt they had been inadequately compensated. Little did they know that this would set off a chain of events that would further highlight the store’s remarkable inability to let go of its former employees, both figuratively and financially.

“fixed the glitch”

Company Paid Me for Months After I had Quit Since They Didnt Realize I Didnt Work There Anymore



We need more companies to be managed this badly:

Company Paid Me for Months After I had Quit Since They Didnt Realize I Didnt Work There Anymore



The reason why OP stopped working there:

Company Paid Me for Months After I had Quit Since They Didnt Realize I Didnt Work There Anymore



OP spent on clothes more than they earned working there:

Company Paid Me for Months After I had Quit Since They Didnt Realize I Didnt Work There Anymore



The class action suit was against the whole company

Company Paid Me for Months After I had Quit Since They Didnt Realize I Didnt Work There Anymore


Any of the people working there could sue the company:

Company Paid Me for Months After I had Quit Since They Didnt Realize I Didnt Work There Anymore



Have you ever encountered a workplace situation that left you bewildered? Feel free to leave your comments below.

The cat tax:


“Found a bunch of kittens, do I take them or leave them?”


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