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Person Finally Went Off At Entitled Woman Who Would Treat Everyone At The Bar Terribly Because She Knew The Owner

entitled woman bar

Reddit user u/Exs_in_Texas used to work at a bar as a bartender and he has a girlfriend who also bartends at the same bar. There is one customer who every staff member loathes as soon as she steps in. Because she is friends with the owner, she throws everyone under the bus treating them like sh*t, as if she owns them. The woman has three boyfriends and when she comes to the bar alone, she gets dr*nk and hits on other men. So she basically is an entitled c*nt, that is what OP and everyone at the refers to her as.


One time after OP had left the job, he went to the bar to visit his girlfriend and grab a couple of free drinks, and that is when the entitled woman came again. She started ordering OP around not knowing he had left and that is when he went off at her telling her exactly what the whole staff at the bar thought of her.

She felt miserable and didn’t know what to do. Scroll down below to read how it all went down!

1. We all want to know what they had been thinking.


Via u/Exs_in_Texas

2. OP is a bartender who is in a relationship with another bartender…that is cool.


Via u/Exs_in_Texas

3. One customer who would come to the bar is friends with the owner and would use this relationship to treat everyone terribly.


Via u/Exs_in_Texas

4. The woman would always drink for free because she was friends with the owner…and had 3 boyfriends.


Via u/Exs_in_Texas

5. Wow, she really is a pervert hitting on men even after having 3 boyfriends which is already so bad.


Via u/Exs_in_Texas

6. OP left the job to continue studying but he would still visit the bar frequently to meat his girlfriend and enjoy free drinks. One day when OP was at the bar, that entitled woman came.


Via u/Exs_in_Texas

7. The lady approaches OP’s girlfriend for a drink who was going to get to her after completing a food order she was dealing with.

Via u/Exs_in_Texas

8. The entitled woman then switched towards OP and told him to get the drink for her instead. He ignored her.


Via u/Exs_in_Texas

9. The woman repeated her demand and that is when OP told her he doesn’t work at the bar anymore.

Via u/Exs_in_Texas

10. She refused to believe OP and threatened him by saying she knows the owner.


Via u/Exs_in_Texas

11. Looks like something big is coming that the entitled woman won’t be able to handle.

Via u/Exs_in_Texas

12. And he hit her with everything all the staff members thought about her. And he did not put any filters on.


Via u/Exs_in_Texas

The entitled woman got served beautifully. OP did not care how she would feel, it had all just been gathering up in everyone’s heart at the bar and he decided to go it for them all. I really don’t understand what her entitlement was all about. The owner wasn’t even her husband or boyfriend or anything, he was a friend. I hope the owner knows how big a cu*t she is dating three men at the same time and still trying to cheat on them three when at the bar alone, fully dr*nk.

Let’s see how OP further put her to the ground. Scroll down below to continue reading!

13. Woah, she got exposed!

Via u/Exs_in_Texas

14. He left her jaw hanging.


Via u/Exs_in_Texas

15. It was now time for the woman to go off at OP but her boyfriend started berating her instead for cheating on him.

Via u/Exs_in_Texas

16. After giving her the dose, her boyfriend left the bar and the woman ran after her while OP enjoyed his beer.


Via u/Exs_in_Texas

17. The owner confirmed it to the woman that OP did not work at the bar anymore, OP’s GF got a warning and he got banned from the bar by the owner as well. But the woman was never to be seen at that location again.

Via u/Exs_in_Texas

Here are some of the comments shared on the story:

18. She had it coming. It was only a matter of time.


Via JustanOldBabyBoomer

19. It fully does. It feels like you just offloaded a massive burden off your chest.

Via chrisse_lajoie

20. I am sure she knew of her terribleness. Surely! Which means she knew she would eventually have to bite the dust.


Via Sigyn_Ren

21. A dream everyone wants to live.

Via Iridium_Pumpkin

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!


Via veedublin

Dog tax.

“He’s so small he can sneak through the fence, so he must wear the escape-proof wiener bun of shame at potty time.”


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