Financial troubles aren’t just home problems. They can follow us to work and impact our performances, ambitions, and happiness. Many of us are dealing with debt, high living costs, and other money worries which can show up in the form of stress, making us less focused and unhappy with our jobs. It can also prevent us from reaching our full potential in our careers. Today’s OP is faced with a financially difficult situation, with substantial student loans, accumulated debt from her college years, and currently living a paycheck-to-paycheck existence. Her workplace constantly expects contributions through pooled funds for various events such as baby showers and marriages for her co-workers which makes things even more complicated. See what happens when OP doesn’t chip in and read the whole story down below:
Source: u/studentnurse133333
#1) Is OP the AH for turning down an opportunity to donate at her workplace?
#2) OP is new at this job and has just graduated college. She also has a lot of student loans and debt and is living paycheck to paycheck.
#3) There is always an occasion happening at OP’s workplace for which her manager would personally ask for donations. OP doesn’t know anyone there and doesn’t donate.
#4) OP would never ask financial donations from her co-workers yet her manager, yet again, passed out something to sign after donating and made a show of OP not contributing.
Source: u/studentnurse133333
Our lovely OP has financial difficulties and can’t afford to give money for workplace fundraisers, which for sure might feel like a lot of unfair pressure. It’s OP’s choice how to manage her money, and no one should be guilt tripped into giving money when it could cause further financial struggles. The boss is making a mistake by being forceful and making op feel bad, which is not healthy for anyone. Donations should happen when it’s something people want to do, not something they feel pressured to do. Here’s what Reddit users are saying about the situation:
#5) There’s a difference between a guilt trip and a gift.
Via BlackCatLuna
#6) Absolutely true. The boss doesn’t seem like she’d let OP climb the ladder that easily.
Via HelenAngel
#7) It is absolutely harassment and OP should look into that.
Via Cpt_Riker
#8) Important to remember that Donations are always supposed to be voluntary.
Via MaryK112
#9) This Reddit user’s boss did the correct thing and OP’s manager should notes.
Via Austin_Native_2
#10) OP doesn’t even know these people.
Via dazed1984
#11) That would be funny but would also contribute to other co-workers looking down on OP.
What is your opinion on this one? Drop a comment down below and remember to stay tuned to Defused to follow along and join us in reading more stories like this!
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