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Dad Asks If He Was Wrong For Cracking A Dad Joke About Him Not Being His Stepdaughter’s Dad

my stepdaughter

The relationship between stepparents and stepchildren is very complex. It is not easy to get on good terms and in almost every story that I have heard or read about them, one is never happy with the other but the other is always making efforts to form the connection. It’s like that classic, stereotypical story we are familiar with it. And what can we do, this is the reality. This is exactly what happens. And this very relationship’s complexities were also observed in the Reddit story we have got for you guys today.

Reddit user u/DadJokeAITA has a stepdaughter, Madeline, who does not like calling him her Dad. However, he keeps telling her she will have to deal with him for 3 more years (she is 15 in the story), so all the rules created by him are to be followed by her.

At one instance, in a grocery store, OP spontaneously cracked a dad joke that had something to do with him not being her father and that ended up upsetting Madeline. According to OP, he cracked a light-hearted joke but his wife told him he stooped pretty low. So confused, he decided to ask the AITA community members to know if what he did was right or wrong.

Scroll down below to read the story and then comment below your votes as well.

1. Madeline’s biological father died when she was born. OP is her stepdad.



Via u/DadJokeAITA

2. Teenagers, especially when they are at the age of 15 are the most rebellious and must be taught solid lessons in this period before it gets too late and things get messy.


Via u/DadJokeAITA

3. The rulebook applies to Madeline till she turns 18, so she is going to have to listen to her father.


Via u/DadJokeAITA

4. After all that has been happening between Dad and Madeline, I think she will receive this Dad joke too well.


Via u/DadJokeAITA

5. Told you…only the son took it lightly, the others not so much. It upset Madeline.


Via u/DadJokeAITA

6. It was a funny Dad joke but perhaps the situation wasn’t quick the best for such kind of a joke. Or maybe it was…that is why are here to hear from the AITA community members.

Via u/DadJokeAITA

I think I would go for ESH here. The way Madeline had been behaving with her stepfather is not how you are supposed to behave with your parents. Saying directly to OP’s face that he is not her Dad can come across as hurtful to any dad in the world.

OP, on the other hand, although cracked that dad joke in a lighter mood, or at least that is what I think he did, he still shouldn’t have said something like this even unknowingly because he knew how she is about the topic.

7. OP shared a mini update on where things are after the whole joke thing that happened at the grocery store.


Via u/DadJokeAITA

8. OP spoke his heart out to Madeline and apologized to her, the two hugged as well. I hope things are all clear now between them.


Via u/DadJokeAITA

The views were mixed. Here is what the internet had to say:

9. Everyone was an AH for their own reasons.

Via Im_Space

10. Just one of those times.


Via z3roxis

11. That’s a new YTA – the small version.

Via IsaRat8989

12. Saying something like that to your kid is just not acceptable.


Via larrieuxa

13. To be fair, she did say OP is not her father.


Via asmeeks1

14. The way Madeline said it was hurtful. The way OP said it was in a funny way.


Via onelegsexyasskicker

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!

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