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14 Times Parents Seriously Messed Up And Then Posted It On The Internet

Not all parents are the same.

While I do usually believe that parents try to do their best with what is given to them, that is not always the case. Because as we see time and time again, they seriously mess up sometimes. If these were unintentional or mistakes, I would just laugh it off but these people did it intentionally and that is what makes these so weird. There is no other way to say it but most of the parents mentioned are just horrible.

I know that parents have it hard and it is not as if they are given a rule book on how to be a parent correctly or taught in school but decent human beings with even a little bit of sense don’t do things like these. If I am coming off as harsh, that is because I know that these kids will grow up and regret these things when they look back. But these people have no remorse while using their kids to earn some sort of Internet points.

There are a lot of examples of parents acting ridiculous but we compiled some of the weirdest ones for you to see. So just scroll below to see for yourself and get ready to feel your anger boiling over.

#1 My only question is why?



I can only hope that she used a pencil and didn’t dye her kid’s eyebrows.

#2 I am glad that the kid is coming into his own and realizing that his mother is dumb.


Does she not want her son to have a healthy long life?

#3 Why would you punish your kid for that?


Does this person really think punishing will help the kid in any way?

#4 I don’t even know where to start with this one.


First, a vegan is eating chicken and not eating rice because he doesn’t want to get Coronavirus. So she is teaching her kid to be a racist as well?

#5 He apparently got suspended for this exact reason but his mother doesn’t care.


#6 I can only hope that this is a joke.


And it isn’t because this has happened before and they put a sticker on their car for that exact reason.

#7 No, just no.


Does he really think smoking is cool? He is an adult so he can do whatever he wants but teaching a young kid to do that is horrible.

#8 I honestly am left speechless.


I can understand that she is immunosuppressed but this is an overreaction and is this really the way to teach your kid not to do something in the future? I wonder why her kid is in therapy.

#9 This person needs to get out more.


He is proud of his ancestry and it is great that he taught all of his kids french but does he want to exclude his daughter’s boyfriend that badly?

#10 I feel sorry for the kid.


He probably doesn’t know what is happening and will regret it when he looks back on this picture.

#11 Custody of an adult? What?


It is my deepest desire that she gets convicted because that is a crime.

#12 There is being dumb than there is this.


Why stop your toddler from doing something dangerous when you can take a picture for Facebook points? And then they wonder why their kids grow up to lick toilets on Tik Tok.

#13 If she feels so horrible, why have kids in the first place?


This is why I always say that not everyone should have kids.

#14 The parents are probably busy on their phones by the look of it.


We all need a bit of wholesomeness after that so time for cat tax!


This majestic baby is 7 months old and she seriously looks like a sibling of my kitty. Even the marks are the exact same!

What are your thoughts on these posts? Have you ever done something similar to your kids? What is the biggest mistake you made while raising your kid? Let us know in the comments below and don’t forget to share these posts with your friends so they can join in the discussion as well.


What do you think?