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Dad Tells Wife’s Friends She’s Too Old And Ugly After She Kept Insulting His Son


During a family gathering at their house, OP’s wife’s friend, Kathy, repeatedly made inappropriate comments to their 19-year-old son, asking him to take his shirt off. When the son became visibly uncomfortable, OP intervened and told Kathy she was too old and ugly for their son. Kathy got upset, cried, and left. OP’s wife is angry with him for his response, but he argues that Kathy should have known better, considering her corporate job and training. He believes he was fair in his reaction due to Kathy’s persistent behavior. OP compares the situation to one involving their daughter and insists Kathy should apologize to their son before being allowed back in their home.


During a family gathering at my house, OP’s wife’s friend started complimenting my 19-year-old son, but her comments became increasingly inappropriate.


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During the gathering, OP’s wife’s friend, Kathy, makes inappropriate comments to my son, insisting he takes his shirt off, prompting my intervention.


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Kathy becomes upset and leaves after crying in the bathroom, with my wife offering comfort.


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My wife is angry with me for what I said to Kathy, suggesting I should have handled it differently.


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I explained to my wife that if a guy friend had said something inappropriate to our daughter, he would have called the police, and I was much kinder to Kathy, but she still needs to apologize to our son before being welcomed back into our house.


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OP wanted to send a message that I was upset, which is why I included the “ugly” part.


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Personally, I think shaming her over her age was perfectly valid for this exact reason. She needing shaming over it because it was part of the reason it was so problematic. There’s a power imbalance that comes with age, if it had been mom’s co-worker who was of similar age to him he’d have probably felt more comfortable saying no himself.

Now that you have read the story, it’s time for you to see what Redditors had to say about this. Read till the end to see what are other people’s opinions on this. Don’t forget to share your own opinion at the end of this article too.

There should be no tolerance for double standards.

When they cannot shut up on their own, you need to be mean.


Some people are really making a big deal about OP calling the woman ugly.

Do you also agree with the fact that this post should be labeled as ESH?


It is clear from the story that she wasn’t “suggestive”. It was harassment of a teenager. Would you say the same if the teenager was a young woman? What are your thoughts on this story? What would you do if you were in this situation? You know that your feedback means a lot to us therefore we want you to share your thoughts in the comment section down below. For more such articles, keep visiting Defused. Have a nice day!

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