I wasn’t expecting that.
Comics have always been a great medium for both writers and artists. Since comics are not only based around text and there is some depiction of what the text is saying, they are more visually appealing. Comics allow Artists and writers to interpret their work in a more clever way. Ever since the explosion of the internet, many artists have come forward, storming Instagram, Facebook, Reddit and other social media networks. With gaining hundreds and millions of worth of fanbases, many artists don’t shy away from gruesome or mind twisty comics panels.
Tony Esp who is an animator and a webcomic artist makes dark twisty comics for the internet. like to believe that the best kind of comedy is the one you don’t see coming,” said Tony Esp. So here are 30 of his comic panels which have ominous endings. So here you go and have a look at some of his work.
1. Santa won’t be coming this Christmas.
2. Should’ve given it a try.
3. No Satan, go back to hell.
4. Peer pressure is real.
5. This is so true.
6. Yikes kid! Runaway.
7. Jerry you liar.
8. Gordon is having none of it.
9. Get to work.
10. Oops!
11. Only kitties can be more dangerous.
12. Bad Kevin!!
13. Yum yum.
14. This is so sad.
15. Oh no doc.
Having fun going through these crazy comics? We sure know that we are. Tony’s work is hilarious and the fact that they start off innocent but take a twist in the next panel is just the best thing to stay indulged in for our day on the internet. Going through these comics is somewhat addictive especially with their quick change of mood. You can say these panels are somewhat like thriller movies but with a very quick twist. Scroll down below for even more comics.
16. Let him go.
17. Modern dates be like.
18. An artist favourite.
19. How dare you leave him like that?
20. Awww.
21. The story they don’t tell you about.
22. Oh Jesus!
23. It’s broken.
24.Don’t die, please.
25. He puts a great act.
26. Build yourself a time machine.
27. Oh he is.
28. Dad jokes never get old.
29. That’s the rudest crime.
30. Worth breaking the teeth.
With that, we conclude this list. There are plenty of more comics available by Tony which have surprisingly the same quality as this and will keep you equally invested in them. Let us know which one of these comic book panels were your favourite, which one was the best and which offended you in the comment section below.