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30 Hilarious Dark Humor Comics For Your Twisted Mind

Do you love dark humor as much as us? 

If you ask me what dark humor actually is then I don’t really have an answer for you. Because it is what artists want it to be. From creating comics that give you a surprise somewhat twisted ending to straight-up crossing the line, there is no limit when it comes to dark humor. However, most artists don’t want to create exceptionally controversial things. 

This particular artist named Alan has their own way of creating stuff. They manage to tell a whole story with a twist ending in only a few panels and it is amazing to see. The name on most of their social media is Super Combo Deluxe. And sadly they only have 1100 followers on Instagram when they should have millions because it is always fun to see their work.

And you can take a look for yourself by scrolling below.

Source: Website | Instagram

#1 Everyone should avert their eyes right now.


#2 Will the loop ever end?


My name is Alan and I’m a part-time artist, full-time web developer based in the US. I created the comic Super Combo Deluxe. I’ve been obsessed with drawing cartoons since I was a little kid. It’s something that has stuck with me over the years, through art school and into adulthood. However, it really has ramped up over the past 5 years with the introduction of digital art and how easy it is to pick up an iPad and just draw.

I started creating digital art through fan art, mostly video game characters, and posting them to Instagram. Eventually, I just felt unfulfilled drawing someone else’s creations and wanted to develop my own. One day, while watching a Loading Artist stream on Twitch, I started thinking how fun it would be fun to create a comic. The rest is history. I started out by drawing the comics and showing them to my close friends, who pushed me to keep going. Eventually, I started posting them online—first my website, then social media. – Alan

#3 That detail is too much for me. I think I am fine with 1080p.


#4 Fast food workers don’t deserve this.


#5 Do they really have to check by eating it?


#6 That is one way to get people to be fine with technology.


#7 That was my first thought as well. Definitely.

#8 If a cat touches something, it is theirs now.


#9 Most phones don’t even let you delete Facebook/

#10 Okay, That never crossed my mind.


#11 If video games were actually realistic.

#12 That is just like stepping on your parents back or something similar.


#13 That is hurting me and I am not even there.

#14 Mobile data is very expensive so I would chose this option as well.


#15 That is a new low even for grandparents.

The artist has only started posting comics a while ago and they are doing great. Not only are their comics relatable but they are also funny as heck. Well, they are more so relatable on a surface level as the artist gets inspired by everyday things which may not seem like much to us but can result in the overflow of creativity for them.

#16 Even ad blockers don’t work anymore.


#17 This is really rude towards the aliens.

#18 Who doesn’t want a cool superpower? Or a mutation?


#19 The woman is not ready for another child.

#20 If only all of us could grow hair like this.


#21 Atleast they were only test dummies.

#22 Focusing on the important things I see.


#23 Ghosts deserve some privacy as well.

#24 Wait, What is wrong with cold maple syrup?


#25 Who knows how expensive his order was?

#26 This is why you never mess with a squirrel.


#27 That certainly won’t pollute the ocean.

#28 That form isn’t really going to help much.


#29 I don’t even want to think about this one.

#30 This is why I will never even watch a Twitch streamer.


What are your thoughts on these comics? Let us know in the comments below. And don’t forget to share with your friends as well.


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