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Employee’s Request For A Raise Gets Rejected, Company Unable To Function Without Him

Do you know what motivates employees? A pay raise or a promotion.

A great workplace is one that cares for its employees. When an employee asks for a pay raise, the company should consider it because if the company will not consider his request, he will quit the job. Employees are not bound to stay in a company that is not willing to pay them what they deserve. When a company refuses the request of an employee, they are making him/her feel that he/she is not worthy of it. Well, employees of today are smart and when they get such a response, they leave such jobs immediately and find better jobs that are willing to pay them for their skills.

A Reddit user asked his company to raise his salary as he was looking after multiple tasks and his workload was doubled due to high turnover. The company refused his request by saying if he wants a pay raise he need to work more hours. This man did not go to work the other day and the company was unable to work without him. Scroll down to read the whole story.

1. OP asked for a raise at his job.


Via W12ZY

2. The company has been calling OP but he is not picking up calls.


Via W12ZY

3. OP has got another job offer but he feels bad for his other coworkers who will have to pick up his workload.

Via W12ZY

4. OP has confirmed his joining date with his new job.


Via W12ZY

5. How to start a new job:


Via W12ZY

Companies need to appreciate hardworking employees. Companies are nothing without their employees and if a company knows that an employee is putting extra effort, the company should give them a promotion or at least a raise in order to appreciate them and motivate them. Companies often expect productivity from the employees’ end but forget the responsibility from their end. Scroll down to read what the Reddit users are suggesting OP.

6. Companies are one employee away from collapsing.


Via lyo23

7. When they tell you, you are not valuable enough:

Via Incognonimous

8. Refer your coworker and get a referral bonus!


Via bob_esponjas

9. When employees take everything you say seriously:

Via JasperlnTheSky

10. When they can’t promote you:


Via Jethris

11. When you ask for a raise, you are not being a team player.

Via Renoirneonoir

12. Remember it’s not your fault but it’s the company’s fault to cause you stress.


Via royalblue1982

We need more people like OP to stop such companies who always think that the employees are not worthy of a raise. Companies should always remember that they are just one employee away from collapsing. OP has done a great job. Have you ever been in a situation where you were not paid or not given a pay raise even you deserved it? Comment down to let us know your story.


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