The pandemic that Covid-19 has brought upon us has been a crazy ride. While most of the students have always dreamt of sleeping in for a longer period of time in the morning and taking classes from their beds, it has not been fun now that they actually get to do all of this. Zoom classes have been unbearable and teachers are making it more difficult by giving extra homework. Staring at a computer for a continuous 8 or more hours is not practical. You can expect older students to somehow manage to maintain their attention but kids cannot help their behavior.
Some schools have taken this absurdity to the next level. A mother tweeted about how her kid got “zoom detention” for not being attentive to the teacher in her zoom class. Taking online classes is still doable, but having online detention is unbearable. Scroll below to get more details!
1. Aren’t we all, Uju

Schools have officially gone nuts. How can you expect a 4th grader to suddenly pay attention to a screen for so many hours? The least schools can do is be a little more mindful and not punish kids for how they are dealing with this sudden shift in the mode of teaching.
2. The last straw

So apparently, her child was being warned several times before she got the last warning. It sometimes feels like schools are being more strict online than then they were on campus.
3. An expected behavior from a 4th grade

What else are computers for? Kids use computers for games. We cannot expect little kids to suddenly take online classes seriously.
4. Ridiculous is the middle name for zoom classes.

We had to deal with stupid zoom classes. Now they have introduced zoom detention too? Why are schools making this pandemic worse than it already is? What fun are they getting out of making students’ lives miserable?
5. Everyone responded very positively to her tweet.

6. Meredith could not believe zoom detention was a thing.

This is so true! The whole point behind a student getting distracted on zoom classes is that they are exhausted. It is a no-brainer that continuously listening to someone talk online causes fatigue. You can expect an older student of college and university to put conscious effort into staying alert during online classes, but the same expectations cannot be kept from a child.
7. Be more realistic!

You would expect well-educated individuals who are academics to be more aware of how humans functions. You would expect academics to be more learned into how to effectively handle students in difficult situations. Instead, schools have been the worst under the pandemic. They have been anything but cooperative and accommodating.
8. Logic has left the chat.

How does that make any sense?
9. If kids are not able to pay attention or learn properly online, it is probably because teachers are not well-equipped to teach online!

10. Online classes are worse than the whole pandemic.

11. What on earth is zoom detention? Even the name sounds ridiculous.

Schools are supposed to be a learning space for students, but they have turned into pure hell. The world needs to be kinder and nicer towards students while they dealing with such a huge transition in their lives. The world has stopped working normally and schools are still hell-bent on “punishing” kids. The pandemic won’t end overnight. It is here to stay. The least schools can do is be more understanding of the struggles of students.
How has your experience been with online school? Let us know in the comments and share your thoughts on the above situation!