Doing something good in exchange for something else is not considered good.
I am confident that everyone would agree that people who preach about the holiness of their religion and how charity is the most important thing while also stealing everything from their family are the worst kind of people. They truly believe that they are deserving of all the praise and will act all nice and fake when they are simply hypocrites. That is the point of this story, and it makes my blood boil. After all, no one wants to see a child mistreated and exploited for financial gain.
That is, after all, what this girl’s foster parents were doing to her. We’ve all heard stories about foster parents who only foster children in order to receive a stipend from the court, and the children in question never see that money. That money is usually spent on the foster parent’s biological child. I can’t imagine how awful it must feel to be used but powerless to act because your parents have died and the ones you do have only see dollar signs when they look at you.
That is why this story is so satisfying, and you can read it in its entirety by scrolling down below.
Source: Reddit
As you can tell by the title, this is going to be a juicy tale.
However, we do need to get the important background out of the way first.
As it is quite a sad tale as to how she ended up in their care.
They also had a biological daughter who wasn’t friendly with our protagonist either.
While they weren’t exactly Cinderella’s stepmother-level cruel, they did only see her as a piggy bank.
They taught her to lie and would act fake in front of other people.
They never tried to hide it either and she knew right from the start.
They had probably only adopted her because of her money.
But this is where things get a bit more interesting.
The most important part to play in this tale goes to the expensive china set.
Her foster mother always had an eye on it.
And wanted to give away the set to her biological daughter even though it wasn’t hers to give.
They expected her to give them everything.
But she had written down everything and it was quite detailed.
And that is when she put her plan in motion.
She didn’t really care for objects but her foster mother definitely did.
So she gave away the prized china set away as a donation.
Not only that but the donation was done in the foster mother’s name to rub salt in the wound.
It was a good deed and the church raised quite a lot of money.
But the foster mother wasn’t happy and blew her top.
She tried her best to get the pieces back but it was too late.
But that is not where the story ends.
At the end, their biological daughter was able to get help and they rekindled their relationship.
It is always nice to see a happy ending.
Especially since the villains got what they deserved.
Not only are they broke but their reputation is in tatters as well.
Throughout the story, I was enraged on her behalf, and if it had been me, I wouldn’t have let it go so easily, and I might have filed a case against them just so they would end up even more broke. But I never claimed to be the bigger person. However, it is encouraging to see that their daughter was able to break free and attend therapy.
As you would probably expect, the commenters had a great time reading this story.
It is clear that Kitty was the victim as well.
I do feel for her but at least she is happy now.
What do you think about this story? What would you do if you were in this situation? Would you have brought a lawsuit? or do you believe this was sufficient? Let us know in the comments section below, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can comment with similar stories as well.
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