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Guy Puts Mom’s Boyfriend In Place After He Tries To Parent Him As His Father

Guy Loses His Father, Mom's Boyfriend Tries To Impose Strict Rules On Him, Guy Asks Mom's Boyfriend To Stop Trying To Parent Him

Family dynamics can be complex, especially when new relationships are formed after the loss of a loved one.

In today’s post, we’ll delve into a personal story that explores the challenges faced by OP as he copes with the loss of his father and adjusts to his mother’s new relationship. OP’s life took an unexpected turn when his father passed away, leaving him grappling with grief and longing for stability. As his mother finds a new partner, the dynamics within the family begin to shift.


While everyone else seems to embrace the changes, OP struggles to navigate his emotions and adjust to the presence of his mom’s boyfriend and his two daughters. Conflicting expectations and attempts to establish new rules test the already fragile situation, leaving OP questioning his place within the evolving family structure. To read the complete story and gain deeper insights into OP’s journey, scroll below.

The title states:

AITA for asking moms boyfriend to stop trying to parent me



OP recently lost his father unexpectedly a year ago. Since then, his mother has found a new partner whom she is currently dating. This new boyfriend has two daughters. OP’s mother has taken on a motherly role towards these girls, and the boyfriend has become well-liked among OP’s extended family.

AITA for asking moms boyfriend to stop trying to parent me



OP is grieving the loss of his father and feels like his mom’s boyfriend is trying to replace him. The boyfriend sets rules for OP, such as chores and curfew, which OP’s late father never imposed on him as an adult.

AITA for asking moms boyfriend to stop trying to parent me



The mom’s boyfriend wants OP to share his belongings with his kids. He believes it’s fair due to the notion of family. OP has been living in the basement of his mom’s house since the age of 15, which is separate from the main living area.

AITA for asking moms boyfriend to stop trying to parent me



Last night, OP arrived home at 2 am after being the designated driver for his friends. With no obligations until 3 pm the following day, as classes are yet to begin and a new job starting in two weeks. OP sent his mom a text and went to bed.

AITA for asking moms boyfriend to stop trying to parent me



Tonight, OP experienced a heated situation as his mom’s boyfriend reacted strongly to his late arrival. OP received a lecture, was sent to his room, and even faced the possibility of losing car privileges. OP confronted the boyfriend and expressed that he plans to leave the city after graduation.

AITA for asking moms boyfriend to stop trying to parent me



The mom’s boyfriend shared the situation with the family and OP’s family sided with the boyfriend, leaving OP questioning if he is the one at fault.

AITA for asking moms boyfriend to stop trying to parent me?


In this challenging situation, it is crucial to recognize that OP is an adult, and therefore, the rules and expectations placed on him should not mirror those imposed on the boyfriend’s teenage children. The recent loss of OP’s father further complicates matters, as neither the boyfriend nor OP’s mom should be rushing to fill the void left behind with a stepfather figure. It is essential to allow sufficient time and space for healing before attempting to assume the role of a replacement for OP’s late father.

OP provides an edit to clarify that the boyfriend does not live with them, nor does he contribute to rent or bills. The boyfriend and his daughters spend time at their place but only pay for their own food.

AITA for asking moms boyfriend to stop trying to parent me



The rules should be different for OP because he is an adult and the boyfriend’s daughters are teenagers:

AITA for asking moms boyfriend to stop trying to parent me


OP has no hard feelings for his mom’s boyfriend:

AITA for asking moms boyfriend to stop trying to parent me



OP is an adult, losing privileges are for kids:

AITA for asking moms boyfriend to stop trying to parent me


OP is 23 and the boyfriend’s daughters are 15 and 13:

AITA for asking moms boyfriend to stop trying to parent me



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The cat tax:


“I always have such a hard time getting his picture, so of course I finally do and and this is how it comes out…”


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