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Mother Cancels Stepson’s Birthday Party For Facepalming Her, Causes Drama

Stepson Birthday Cancelled

Step relations have their own complexities and I don’t think I have heard of many success stories revolving around these relationships working out and remaining gelled. Kudos to those who make it work out as it requires efforts from all ends, but mostly they don’t and that is the reality.


Reddit user u/MissBarker93 has a stepson and the two have a terrible relationship. She tries to engage with him but he just does not like her. OP celebrates his and her daughter’s birthday together on the same day because their birthdates are only 10 days apart. While OP was preparing everything she asked her stepson who he was inviting to the party. He reacted by facepalming as he didn’t want to answer the question and she did not like that at all. So much so that she canceled his birthday party as a punishment for facepalming her.

The matter was taken to the courts of “Am I The A$$hole?” community members as she wanted to know if canceling her stepson’s birthday party was the right punishment to put his attitude in check on not.

Scroll down below to read how it all went down!

1. An entire party canceled on a facepalm? Let’s see what happened.


Via u/MissBarker93

2. OP’s relationship with her stepson is terrible.


Via u/MissBarker93

3. The stepson’s birthday is coming and usually the family celebrates his and his stepsister’s birthday together because they are only 10 days apart.


Via u/MissBarker93

4. OP asked her stepson who out of his friends had he invited to the party and he facepalmed saying he is done answering this question.


Via u/MissBarker93

5. OP lost it and told him she is canceling his birthday party. He thought it was a joke as she had threatened him in the past to improve his attitude.


Via u/MissBarker93

6. But she wasn’t playing around this time as she actually canceled her stepson’s birthday party.


Via u/MissBarker93

7. Stepson’s grandparents did not like this decision of OP’s and showed their anger.

Via u/MissBarker93

8. Grandparents still wanted to come but OP said she wouldn’t open the door.


Via u/MissBarker93

Here’s what the internet had to say about this:

9. Terrible sounds too polite.

Via Demo_Bec

10. Yeah, she probably combines their birthdays to save money.


Via Funkativity

11. The irony.

Via Reddit

Did OP really think she would have people on her side by sharing this story with the world? Miss, your stepson misbehaving with you is one thing. What difference does it create between you and him if you also stoop down and give him such terrible punishments? They may make him cry and fix his attitude so he can get what he wants. But will this make him fall in love with you? Will this allow him to develop a cordial relationship with you? I don’t think so.

This will only make matters worst. There are other ways to teach your kid. If OP goes on to celebrate her daughter’s birthday party and not her stepson’s, she shouldn’t be spared by the family members. It would just be so out of order.

OP shared an update trying to clear her name as everyone had declared her an AH for what she did.


Via u/MissBarker93

12. OP realized she was too harsh on her stepson. That’s progress.

Via u/MissBarker93

13. Internet suggested OP she should use some other, less harsh, punishments to sort his attitude if he remains stubborn.


Via u/MissBarker93

14. Now this is lowkey foul on OP’s part.

Via u/MissBarker93

15. The next morning stepson cried that his birthday party won’t be happening. She told him it will happen if he behaved.


Via u/MissBarker93

16. To OP’s surprise, it worked. Her stepson stopped being rude and facepalming her.

Via u/MissBarker93

17. But the grandparents were still really upset that she delayed her stepson’s party while still having her daughter’s on time.


Via u/MissBarker93

18. Stepson’s birthday party took place and it was a consecutive success after her daughter’s party. OP was really happy that her stepson had finally started behaving nicely with her.

Via u/MissBarker93

OP tried her best but she failed to change the view of the AITA community members. Here’s what they said:

19. OP’s way of parenting is the worse.


Via confusedsagitarius

20. She is the standard we all hear about in stories…oh wait, this is a story.

Via _EvilCupcake

21. Everyone should send a virtual facepalm her way.


Via ggb123456

22. No matter how hard you try, OP, you will still remain the meanest step-parent ever.

Via Selenyt

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!


Via imgur

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“My dogtor insisted on “helping” when I’m sick.”


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