Similar interests are the foundation of any relationship.
At least, that is what the majority of people would say. And, while I believe it is essential to find someone who connects with you in all the right ways, it is not uncommon for an individual to end up with their carbon copy. As a result, it is not as significant as many people believe. And I would even go so far as to say that having an open mind and being willing to try new things with your partner is more important. After all, you never know what you might like unless you try it once. That does not, however, imply that your partner can coerce you into liking something.
Regardless, that is exactly what many controlling partners do. They want their partner to be whoever they want, which is not how humans function. Marriage, in particular, is all about compromise. And there shouldn’t be any harm in it as long as your significant other isn’t preventing you from doing something you enjoy. Especially if they simply dislike a particular food you enjoy. Even as someone who isn’t particularly picky, mustard has never appealed to me. I’ll eat it if it’s there, but I don’t think it’s worth getting upset about. But that’s exactly what’s going on in this relationship. This allowed the significant other to reconsider the entire relationship.
You can read the full story by scrolling below.
Source: Reddit
We start this story off with her dislike of mustard.
This sounds pretty normal to me but apparently, her husband doesn’t think so.
Rather than understanding her, he has always forced her to like it.
This time, however, it took a turn.
And she was scared for her safety.
Things just blew up and his true colors were bright and clear.
We also got some explanation as to how he usually acts.
And it is pretty clear that this wasn’t a one-time thing.
This is a pattern and she could finally see it.
She didn’t want it to be this way but she had no choice.
She is having a hard time right now.
But she has also realized a lot of important things.
She even talked to him calmly about the situation.
But he just wouldn’t have it.
It really wasn’t one mistake.
She is also looking into therapists which is a good first step.
She is also in a place where she feels safe.
It is also clear that he always wanted her to be his ‘perfect’ wife.
But now she is finally getting to do the things she loves to do.
He also had to come clean to his mother.
But as expected, he didn’t tell the full truth.
And while she would have loved to rub her mother-in-law’s face in it, she kept quiet.
This might not sound like a happy ending but it truly is one.
I’m actually glad she ended up leaving him. While I am usually all for communication, some people are so toxic that you have to get out of their way. People don’t realize how little things can add up when they think about control and partners. And what this guy was doing was completely toxic, there is no other way to put it. I can only hope she receives the assistance she requires and continues to thrive because she deserves it.
This is the perfect response!
It is kind of a good thing that he did this.
Because it made her realize what kind of a person he was.
What do you think about this story? What would you have done if you were in this situation? If you or someone you know has ever been in a similar relationship, please seek help because it is never too late and you do not have to feel alone. You, after all, deserve better. Don’t forget to share this story with others so that they can get the help they need.
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