Marriages are not always successful.
When we think of marriage, we envision a life-long partner who will be there for us through thick and thin. That is, after all, what marriage is supposed to be about. However, in reality, it is never that simple. Even if you loved your partner when you married them, that love does not always last. And, as we all know, staying with a significant other for a long time, whether through marriage or a relationship, has less to do with love and more to do with respect and compromise. At the beginning of any relationship, you feel butterflies and everything is rainbows and sunshine, but as time passes, you realise that nobody is perfect after all.
It’s no surprise that many couples end up breaking up. I am well aware that many people stick together for the sake of the children, even if they have stopped caring for each other for a long time. However, this is not always recommended because children can sense something is wrong in that situation as well. That is why people give the decision a lot of thought before serving the divorce papers. And it is usually felt beforehand by both parties. However, sometimes the other person in the relationship can be taken aback by the revelation. That is also what is happening in this story.
Scroll down to read the rest of the story.
Source: Reddit
Just from the title we can tell that he is confused.
But before getting into that we need to understand their relationship.
He admits that it might be because they have different goals in mind.
She wants more while he is happy with what they have.
Source: Reddit
He doesn’t care about a lot of things that she does want.
So she is understandably feeling frustrated by all of this.
He also lists a lot of things that he is apparently bad at.
They honestly need to work on their shaky foundation first.
Source: Reddit
She is constantly angry and that is sort of understandable.
While he still loves her, she isn’t so sure anymore.
He wants to fix this somehow but he doesn’t know how to start.
After a lot of comments, he did realise a few things about himself.
Source: Reddit
At the very least, he later admitted that it could have been weaponized incompetence on his part, so there’s that. I won’t say there’s no hope for their relationship, but it all depends on him changing. I’m not saying he needs to change as a person because he’s a horrible person. However, it appears that they both want completely different things in their lives and that their fundamental goals are completely dissimilar. As a result, I completely understand the woman’s frustration. This is a difficult situation, and I can only hope that they can work it out, whether by breaking it off or going to therapy.
People in the comments were very blunt and truthful.
They told him that he needed to change if he wanted to make it work.
And it doesn’t sound like he wants to change either.
It does seem like he is fine with the way things are going.
Source: Reddit
What are your thoughts on this conundrum? Do you think the wife is asking for too much and putting too much pressure on him to change? Or do you believe he should pay more attention to the needs of others? What would you do in this circumstance? Let us know in the comments, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can offer their own advice.
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