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Hilarious Bird Memes That’ll Make You Chuckle

It’s that exciting time of the year again! Spring has sprung, the snow has melted away, and guess who’s back? The migratory birds! Birdwatching is a favorite pastime of many. People sit in their backyards for hours to enjoy the blissful sight of birds roaming around.

But not every backyard is positioned best to enjoy those delightful avian spectacles. Don’t worry because we have got you covered as today you will be enjoying bird sights through our compilation But there is a twist. Today the beauty of birdspotting will be blended in with the world of memes. Yes, this has got you excited. Well then, what are you guys waiting for?

Scroll down below to enjoy some hilarious bird memes!

1. I have seen everything in my life.


Via JebidiahBeetus

2. Not exactly how I wanted you to interpret it, human.


Via ObsessedWithAnimals

3. My new favorite fruits.


Via JebidiahBeetus

4. Going to use this in group chats with friends on a very frequent basis.


Via Shadow Shards

5. This bird is not here to play.


Via JebidiahBeetus

6. Get those vocal chords tuned for some fun.


Via Shadow Shards

7. You stand no chance, my friends.

Via Shadow Shards

8. Because there is nothing better to do now that sleeping is out of the way.


Via ObsessedWithAnimals

9. I will simply share this image instead of saying that from now on.

Via ObsessedWithAnimals

10. Do you ever?


Via ObsessedWithAnimals

11. Rise of the planet of the birds.

Via ObsessedWithAnimals

12. The issue is, it can. And we won’t be able to do anything about it because the poop always comes from up above.


Via ObsessedWithAnimals

13. Oh my god, can we make a petition to make this happen?

Come on, I think it was a good one.

Via ObsessedWithAnimals

I had no idea I was in this major need for bird memes. My week has just been turned around for the good and we are only half way into the compilation.

The innocent faces of birds coupled with these hilarious meme templates create a sensation I want to feel over and over again. Let’s continue doing what we had been doing and enjoy some more bird memes.

Scroll down below to continue!

14. Just marry her already.


Via ObsessedWithAnimals

15. Your ducks are busy exploring.

Via ObsessedWithAnimals

16. You have no other option.


Via ObsessedWithAnimals

17. I second this.

Via ObsessedWithAnimals

18. All time best bird meme in the history of bird memes.


Via ObsessedWithAnimals

19. Where is “All of the above”?

Via ObsessedWithAnimals

20. It’s because she’s “Plain”. Ha ha! Get it?


Via ObsessedWithAnimals

21. Sorry, the word “don’t” does not exist in my dictionary.

Via ObsessedWithAnimals

22. Trust me, I am calm.


Via ObsessedWithAnimals

23. Showing off the new shorts they found on Amazon on a discount.

Via ObsessedWithAnimals

24. Even better.


Via ObsessedWithAnimals

25. Autocorrect is favoring bird invasion.

Via ObsessedWithAnimals

26. You just know the little guy gets it.


Via ObsessedWithAnimals

27. It really wasn’t a tough creation but it was an amazing innovation.

Via ObsessedWithAnimals

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!


Via alexg81

Dog tax.

“He stole a stale baguette I was saving to make breadcrumbs and he’s been carrying it around for three days.”


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