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Parents Expect Son To Share His Huge Inheritance With Half-Siblings, Gets Upset Because He Won’t

Inheritances can evoke complex emotions. While receiving a sizable sum brings relief, it’s overshadowed by the desire for parental presence. Inheritance discussions often trigger family disputes over entitlement.


OP, at 17, is set to inherit a substantial sum between $500k and $1 million from savings his late mom and grandparents built over the years. His dad, unaware of the extent, remarried and has two children. OP’s dad and stepmom expect OP to split the inheritance to include his siblings’ college funds. OP refuses, citing it as family money, not theirs. Dad insists on sharing, arguing OP’s refusal is selfish. They’re upset. OP seeks opinions if he’s in the wrong.

Scroll down till the end to read the full story.

1. OP seeks advice on whether they are wrong for not sharing their inheritance, accessible at 18, with their stepsister and half brother.

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2. OP, 17M, inherits a significant sum from his deceased mother and grandparents, totaling between $500k and $1million from a successful business sale.


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3. OP’s grandparents have control of the money. OP’s mom entrusted them to safeguard it in case of remarriage, ensuring it’s for OP’s benefit only.


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4. OP’s dad was unaware of the continued savings. Grandparents informed OP about the money to prepare for the future, easing the burden of adulthood.


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5. OP’s dad remarried, having a stepdaughter and son. They’re not affluent; his stepdaughter aims for scholarships to study law. OP discussed the money with his dad.


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6. OP’s dad and stepmom suggested splitting the inheritance to help OP’s siblings with college. OP declined, arguing it was his family’s money.


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7. OP’s dad suggested sharing some inheritance, but OP refused. Dad and stepmom are upset, feeling OP’s decision is selfish.


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Now that you have read the story, it’s time for you to see what Redditors had to say about this. Read till the end to see what are other people’s opinions on this. Don’t forget to share your own opinion at the end of this article.

8. OP, it’s your inheritance, not theirs. NTA for wanting to keep it for yourself.


9. Your family’s financial decisions aren’t your responsibility. You’re NTA for wanting to use your inheritance as you see fit.


10. It’s your money, earned by your family for you. You have every right to decide how to use it.


11. NTA for wanting to keep it for yourself.

12. You’re not obligated to share your inheritance. NTA for wanting to use it for yourself.


13. NTA. It’s your inheritance, and you have the right to decide what to do with it.

14. Prioritizing your own financial future is important.


15. You’re not obliged to share your inheritance with anyone.

16. NTA for wanting to use it for yourself.


17. You’re not being selfish for wanting to keep your inheritance. NTA.

18. It is OP’s money and he decides what he wants with it.


19. Parents should better save money for the half brother.

20. It is not OP’s job to look after his step siblings.


What are your thoughts on this story? What would you do, or how would you react if you were in OP’s position? You know that your feedback means a lot to us; therefore, we want you to share your thoughts in the comment section below. For more such articles, keep visiting Defused. Have a nice day!

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“First day in the sun after a long, dark winter.”

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