We’ve all heard stories about mythical creatures.
Sitting in a room at night with all your mates, where one of your buddies starts telling a story about how this one person gave a lift to a woman, who was undetectable in the rearview mirror. And then everyone tries to laugh it off but deep down, everyone got scared for life and found it really hard to sleep with the lights turned off.
You may think that discussions about mythical creatures are very rare in today’s world but no, almost everyone on this planet has heard about mythical creatures like Cyclops, The Lockness Monster, Baba Yaga, Big Foot, and more. And their stories can easily make rock-hearted people pee their trousers.
Let’s check out some of these mythical creatures and know what their purpose was. See if you can spot one that you’ve heard of before. I apologize if it is nighttime in your country when you’re reading this. Get ready for the horror show.
1. Adze – Togo, Ghana
2. Ammit – Egypt
3. Arachne – Greece
4. It’s over for us if Aswang shows up.
5. Banshee – Ireland
6. Black Annis – England
7. The omen of death.
8. Bunyip – Australia
9. Cerberus – Greece
10. Chupacabra – Puerto Rico
11. Dagwanoenyent – Iroquois
12. Dover Demon – Massachusetts, U.S.A.
13. Imagine this super soldier running after you in your dream.
14. Dron Bear – Australia
15. Dullahan – Ireland
16. So if a Dybbuk is after you, it won’t rest until you are dead.
17. Gargoyle – England.
18. Japanese mythical creatures are always one step ahead in terms of being horrifying.
19. Ghoul – Arabia
20. Grootsland – South Africa
21. Inkanyamba is the type of creature that no matter how hard you try to forget, it will always come in your nightmares.
Tonight’s definitely gonna be a tough night. I wonder how these mythical creatures originated. I mean, who must’ve seen or made up a story or a creature so terrifying that got so famous all over the world? If these creatures are actually mythical and not real, kudos to the creative minds that thought of these. And if they are real… Well, good luck to us and I wish we never encounter these petrifying creatures.
Come on now, take a deep breath and scroll down below to see some more creepy mythical creatures.
22. Honestly, the visual representation isn’t that horrifying until you read the description, and suddenly everything becomes horrifying.
23. Jersey Devil – New Jersey, U.S.A.
24. Jikininki – Japan
25. Creatures like this one mostly appear while one is having sleep paralysis.
26. Kelpie – Scotland
27. La Ciguapa – Dominican Republic
28. Lou Carcolh – France
29. Manananggal – Philippines
30. Minotaur – Greece
31. There’s no escaping this frightening creature.
32. Now this is what would petrify me for life.
33. Ningen – Japan
34. Nuckelavee – Orkney
35. She’d make anyone’s blood run cold.
36. Preta – India, China, Vietnam
37. Redcap – Scotland
38. I would die on the spot.
39. Tsuchinoko – Japan
40. Typhon – Greece
41. Wendigo – Algonquian
42. Yara-Ma-Yha-Who – Australia
43. Yee Naaldlooshiit – Navajo
Won’t be asking ‘did you enjoy this’ today because, clearly, the answer is gonna be a big fat no. How many could you spot that you have heard of in your past? I’ve heard of Teke Teke and she is so scary, I still get nightmares of her.
I hope I have successfully terrified you, and all I’d like to say is good luck with sleeping tonight. Nah, I’m just kidding. Let’s hope we never encounter one of these in our dreams, or in real life. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments down below.