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14 Heartwarming Instances Of Rescue Dogs Building Trust With Their Humans After Finding Their New Forever Families


Building a strong bond with your furry friend forms the foundation of a beautiful friendship. Often, this connection blossoms quickly when you demonstrate trustworthiness. However, some dogs may be cautious, especially those who have experienced abandonment or neglect. Nevertheless, forming a deep connection with rescue dogs is entirely achievable. It may require a bit more patience and understanding from your side, but the rewards are immeasurable—a loyal companion for life.

Recently, a Reddit user shared their heartening journey of bonding with a rescue dog. This post struck a chord with many, prompting them to share their own touching tales. Here, we present some of the most touching narratives that illustrate the power of love and patience in forging lasting bonds with our four-legged friends.

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This Reddit user was extremely happy that their rescue dog finally developed confidence in them after being extremely patient




Via Reddit

The internet loved the story and decided to share some of their cute rescue dog stories

1. It took two hours but their dog finally was able to start a new chapter in its life.


Congrats on the milestone!! So happy for progress! Mine was similar. The old owners kept her in a kennel for so long that she learned to hold it in as long as possible and barely drank water. We had to take her out every hour to try and get her to pee. We’ve had her for over two years and she just runs out and pees with no problem! It’s so great watching a rescue become a doggo again.

Source: heidiwhy, Image

2. This story made me cry.


This is so wholesome. It made me happy reading it and if you dont mind I have a related story to share that might make someone else happy too:

A year ago I started sitting a very old and sick dog. I knew this dog for most of my life and his owner is the most passionate and caring and competent owner a dog could have. She had 3 Whippets, the old, sick one, a young and ‘normal’ one, a really good boy, and a very young traumatized dog. The lattest is really aggressive against other dogs due to his trauma and with every other owner he would be a straight up danger to other dogs. All of those 3 wonderfull animals were brothers, which is also a big part in why the traumatized one (Johnny) could live with the other two without incidents.

Now my old and sick buddy Finn had a rare disease which kinda made his nerves disappear. It was harrowing to watch and got really bad, he couldnt really walk and bend his legs anymore, so he waddled everywhere. But his brain wasnt damaged – he was a happy and loving dog. And very attached to the owner. It was difficult to care for him, and she had trouble finding a dog sitter – she couldnt leave Fin at home alone, what if he fell? Or something happend?

But he could not walk properly so he couldnt come with her anywhere – not even on walks which his brothers desperately needed.

And so I was entrusted the glorious task of sitting him once a week. I had a great time with him, he layed on my lap, ate bananas out of my hand and eventually his owner taught me how to get him into the garden, so she could stay out a littler longer because I could help him go pee. Thing is, he could not bend down his knees and poop on his own, so you had to kinda hold him up on his leash. One day as I was there he couldnt manage that anymore. He hung there, trembling and so I kneeled down, hugged him and pushed his hip down, while holding him so he couldnt fall over. At first he was still trembling, trying to move his legs on his own, then suddenly I felt his whole body go kinda limp. He was still breathing, just really relaxed and just concentrated on getting that s**tty job done. It was a heartwarming feeling, having this dog trust me so much. He passed on a while later. I remember him very fondly, his brothers are fine, old but happy and healthy.

Source: PanicPainter, Image

3. These people are superheroes.


We only adopt dogs who have suffered severe ab*se/neglect. Their behaviors make sense when you think about where they came from. Keep offering love, security, routine, good food, clean water and gentle touches (as well as comfy dog beds), and they gradually come round. One dog took almost a year, but man, he is the BESTEST boy now. Keep it up. Your dog wants to be a good doggie.

This also reminds me of the first dog we adopted together, who was at one point in his life trained to scratch the back door if he needed to go out. He was a big dog and our back door took a hit until we trained him to growl if he needed to go. One day my dad was visiting and the dog comes up to me and starts growling. Freaked my dad out until I told him it was okay, that the dog just needed to poop. Once I explained why we trained out dog to do that, my dad was impressed.

Source: preachers_kid, Image

4. His past scarred him but it didn’t do that permanently.

I am so happy that she is somewhere safe and where she is being loved. It may take some time for her to completely come around to trusting you but when she does you will treasure her even more.

My little guy also went through this same issue and would be scared to even ask to go potty. Now he’s got the potty dance down and also the potty word down when I say “who wants to go potty” – he about jumps for me to put harness and leash on him. I love him and wouldn’t trade him for a pup that doesn’t have his past. Pretty sure we are together for a reason.

Source: Peach2hisCream, Image

5. This story will be a major help to those in a similar situation with their dogs.


I’m not trying to be dramatic, but this makes me nervous because I have a similar story. I was laying on my couch watching TV when suddenly my cocker spaniel came up to me screaming. I took him outside and he pooped and stopped screaming. I was very confused. He was a little under a year old and none of my other dogs had ever yelled about needing to void their bowels. I took him to the vet and she gave him a clean bill of health. Almost half a year later, same scenario, laying on my couch watching TV when my cocker spaniel comes up to me screaming again. But this time he fell over. I realized immediately he was having a seizure. He was diagnosed with epilepsy. Not saying that is the case for your dog, but your story reminded me of my own and no harm in sharing info. Maybe someone will see and it will help their puppet!

Source: 1ithe, Image

6. It is the best feeling when they finally trust us.

It’s the best feeling when they finally trust us, isn’t it?

One of my pups was quite mistreated before coming to me and for the first year, he would run away from pets and scratches, and a belly rub was never an option.

Now, he actually comes to us to initiate pets, cuddles, scratches, and rolls over to request a full belly rub.
It’s a great feeling.

Source: niobiumnnul, Image

7. A bad past impacts their confidence to go when they are supposed to. I am so happy these dogs found good new owners.


That’s such a happy story! My mixed girl was very obviously owned by someone before we found her in a shelter, and each time we took her outside of the shelter (once when we first met her, and once the day we adopted her) she immediately went to the bathroom and had obviously been holding it a while. She’s very rarely had an accident during the two and a half years we’ve had her and honestly has a bladder of steel because she is so stubborn and won’t go until she really has to. Most days she will go after dinner around 5 pm and then hold it until the next morning even though we take her outside and beg her to PLEASE JUST PEE BEFORE BED. My poodle was so good at going on command that it was very strange to get used to.

Source: a-very-tiny-birb, Image

The rescue dog stories are so adorable. Their pasts make you so sad but at the same time you feel so satisfied and happy that they are all in a good place now and feel extremely happy with their lives. Their owners are no less than superheroes and should be given the highest rewards available for these brilliant acts.

Dogs do so much for us and they deserve the absolute best from us, any other scenario makes no sense.

8. Who does that to an animal? So unfair.

Awe, I am so proud of her, too! I foster, so know some animals can have quirks. My Husky is a rescue and he can scream when terrified, perhaps she was beat when she pees and thus the scream. Poor hun, working with my little Atlas to make him feel safe and reduce. Food aggression.

Source: Light_Raiven, Image

9. This is exactly how great dog owners should be appreciated.


Applause applause applause for your dear one – who is clearly trying to do right by her new parent. How wonderful! Give that pup a treat and climb on back in bed. Soon may following a trend toward successful potty training. Not training. TRUSTing. Clearly, she knows she can trust you and your love… and will become more and more comfortable and motivated, to potty alert and much more.

Bless you for giving her such a fine, nurturing home. And for recognizing what a huge feat this was for your furry companion with such a traumatic past. And at 3 AM no less. Yay, you!

Source: STORMY_is_sHe, Image

10. It is the best feeling in the world knowing you are giving your dog the life it deserves.

This is why I adopt. I don’t think it’s bad to get a dog from a reputable breeder, but every time I look at my girl, I just smile knowing she is now in a warm and loving house and not on the street worrying about her next meal anymore.

Source: ]i4viator, Image

11. Once owners manage to potty and pee train their dogs, life becomes much easier.


lucky girl to got a new patient owner! this is actually typical for dogs to do if they are trained to pee and poo outside. my dog is with me in the office all day and when she needs to go she comes to me and starts poking me with her nose so i now its time to go. they are such a lovely and intelligent creatures..

Source: evelyn112358, Image

12. Be very careful to not let the opportunity slide. Especially when the dog itself is trying to make an effort.

We made the mistake off not getting up immediately when the 11 month puppy had for a few months got really whiney early one morning. She ended up having an accident right next to the toilet in our bathroom. She really tried so we were not mad at her.

Source: macklin_sob, Image

13. Extremely important to teach your pets not to be scared.


I had to teach my chihuahua not to be scared. I totally understand. She’s still a scaredy cat, but she won’t let anyone near me.

Source: Picard37, Image

14. Look what we do to the very animals who want to bless us with so much good.

My late Boston terrier’s mother was ab*sed and the people that rescued her was able to calm her anxiety by breading her. She had the most amazing offspring that gave us 15 years of outdoor recreational fun and companionship.

Source: Stupify_Me, Image

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more animal goodness!


Via danspud69

Cat tax.

“Pretended he was sleeping then slowly moved toward the food.”


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