
Medical Student Gets A Yellow Card For Wearing The “Most Inappropriate Dress Ever”

As if clothes determine whether you’re on par with your work, right?

There is discrimination targeted towards every woman that has to work. Sexism exists in the workplace whether you want to believe it or not. Considering the fact that men are mostly mean to women on the streets and harassment is a crime that every woman has faced at least once in her life, still, some people would go way beyond that so they can insult a woman. Some of them would even pick the slightest thing to taunt them about. For example, a dress. Like you wouldn’t care about how talented and good at work someone is but you’d point out their dress as being “not appropriate” even though it is.

This student and their friend recently gave their exams and one of them got a penalty for wearing clothes deemed inappropriate.



She complained to her university’s administration but their response was useless and they didn’t help her case even the slightest.



She again emphasised she wasn’t wearing anything inappropriate but the reactions she was getting were absurd.


Her university ruled out a statement apologising to her and stated that the vote was ruled by the ”role-play” patients.



They also tweeted that she didn’t deserve the treatment she received. Giving her a yellow card wasn’t the right thing to do.


They further apologised and stated that no student of theirs should face discrimination like this.


Then the student said that it was in factual information.

This is what other people had to say about the incident.


They also pointed out how giving someone a yellow card on showing their ankles was just absurd.

Of course, it was appropriate and they made an issue on nothing.


And more people complained about this further targeting her university.

Pointing out the obvious.


Some people even liked her dress and called it pretty and professional.


People were really enraged by the whole deal.


Call out your workplace if it has a toxic environment.


It’s considered extremely sexist to call something inappropriate if the opposite gender is wearing it.



The public outcry is very real.


The dress was professional and didn’t harm anyone, not even the committee that fined the student.

I personally believe that this entire thing was just ridiculous. Giving someone a penalty based on their outfit is just outrageous. Even though the dress wasn’t inappropriate by any means, I think the committee and the invigilator should be investigated further for their sexist behaviour and rules that make no sense. There is some serious calling out that needs to be done.

Anyway, let us know what do you think about this story in the comment section below. Don’t forget to share your mind and opinion on this.


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