In the world of education, where learning and honesty matter most, an incredible story unfolds about a professor who takes a stand against cheaters. This gripping tale was shared on the ProRevenge forum, capturing the attention of students and teachers everywhere. It’s about an extraordinary teacher who faced a class full of dishonest students and came up with a brilliant plan to restore fairness and uphold the importance of being truthful in academics. This is an inspiring story of a professor’s unwavering commitment to fairness and the unforgettable consequences for those who tried to cheat the system.
The professor decided to create two versions of the final exam: an “A” version and a “B” version. Version B was deliberately created and he uploaded the solution on Chegg it is a website where the students used to get the answers. Out of 99 students, 14 fell for the trap the professor created Whoever had that solution copied from the website was given 0 numbers and was reported to the higher administration of the university.
Keep on scrolling down below to know what really happened and make sure to read it till the end.
1. OP took the engineering final exam, and most of the students from his class would want to go to the bathroom to look up for answers from their phones
2. There was one problem that was barely related to the stuff they studied it was fairly easy but OP had no idea how to do that part B
3. Turns out the professor had made some evil plan to catch teachers
4. The professor got tired of the students going to the bathroom and looking up for answers on their phone so he made a question as a trap which was basically part B
5. The question was made in a way that was impossible to solve, anyways he created his own account on Chegg where he answered the question in a way that was totally incorrect to catch the cheaters who used mobile phones to solve their question.
6. Out of 99 students 14 of them fell for his diabolic trap and were given 0 marks moreover, they were reported to the university for violating academic honor.
7. Everyone else got full credit on part B
8. It was a real incident that happened to OP’s department a couple of years ago but OP wasn’t present in the class personally.
9. The general plot and the end result are true
10. OP doesn’t know the professor personally so he won’t put anyone in touch with him to not expose his identity
11. OP just made some changes in the details but the event was real and there was a real professor who got his revenge on the cheaters
12. What do you guys think about such professors?
13. Seems like such a nice professor!
14. It’s not always about working hard sometimes it’s all about being smart
15. Just a friendly reminder to you guys, they are probably right. Just go with it!
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