Reddit user u/Ok-Check-9953 her husband left her after the birth of her third child so she is a single mom. OP has a great relationship with her brother and she tries to remain on great terms with her SIL too. OP’s SIL is a very social person and loves going out with her friends. And she always offers OP to come along. But because OP has to work hard to make sure her children survive and have a good life, she barely has any free time on her hands to go to such parties or events.
However, OP did attend these gatherings but started complaining very early on because all the activities at those gatherings were for adults only. There was nothing for children. OP asked her SIL if they could arrange some child-friendly activities every once in a while. SIL said none of her friends are mothers so there is no need for any one of them to focus on such activities.
OP’s brother got really angry about this as he told his sister she shouldn’t be suggesting modifications to her wife’s get-togethers. He argued his wife is trying her best to keep her involved but she is only focusing on her children.
Scroll down below to read the story!
Source: u/Ok-Check-9953
1. Let’s find out!
2. OP is a single mother of 3 kids with her husband not anywhere in the picture since the youngest’s birth.
3. OP is very close with her brother and keeps trying her best to maintain a similar relationship with her SIL (his wife).
4. Although OP’s family helps her with childcare, most of the effort is made by OP herself which doesn’t leave her much time to hang out with her SIL or friends.
5. OP’s SIL invites her quite frequently to gatherings but OP’s issue with those get-togethers is that all activities are for adults. None of them are child-friendly.
6. OP also complains SIL never keeps an eye on her kids while at the gathering.
Okay, I find this a bit weird. First of all, these are gatherings where only adults are taking part. SIL invited OP to the gathering, not her children. Even though SIL is trying her hardest to keep OP involved in her circle, OP is trying to achieve a position where her kids get involved as well. Sorry, OP. That is now how it is going to work. If you start suggesting modifications to gatherings that used to take place before you, I doubt they wil continue inviting you.
Let’s see what happens next. Scroll down below to continue reading!
Source: u/Ok-Check-9953
7. One time at a family BBQ, SIL asked OP if she would like to go out of town to a museum with her and her friend. OP wasn’t confident to say yes directly and asked for time to think.
8. Then OP mentioned she would be happy to jump on if they could arrange some kids-friendly activities every once in a while.
9. OP’S brother an AH for trying to modify his wife’s plans, plans in which his wife tries to involve her all the time.
Source: u/Ok-Check-9953
Here’s what the internet had to say about this:
10. None of the women in SIL’s friend circle is a mother so child-friendly activities just don’t concern them.
Via dianaprince76
11. I am sorry but this is outrageous. You are supposed to keep an eye on your OWN kids.
Via charlesmans0n
12. How hard is this to understand for anyone except those who are not equipped with braincells? Ah, it makes sense now.
Via YouthNAsia63
13. You are an AH for suggesting modifications but OP maybe you could try approaching your brother to take your kids somewhere else so you could hang out freely with the women.
Via BreakfastF00ds
I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.
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Via suszygreenberg
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