When you don’t get along with your neighbors, things can go sour quickly. No matter how long you have lived in your home or location, you will meet many neighbors, and once these neighbors moved in, here your nightmare begins!
A good neighbor is a wonderful blessing, but dealing with nasty and messy neighbors may ruin your entire day, weeks, or even months. Just like this unfortunate lady u/Jeleki2020, who is struggling and experiencing the hardest days since her new neighbors moved in. The issue began when a new large family moved into her neighborhood, bringing four vehicles and a gigantic truck driven by their 16-year-old son.
Her sons were in poor health. When she had to go to the minor emergency for some basic checkups, there was a giant truck blocking her path, and occasionally when she returned home after a long and exhausting day at hospitals and checkups, again she finds this massive F350 parked on her lawn and driveway. After repeated complaints, she finally decided to take her vengeance!
Who doesn’t enjoy reading about revenge stories? Everyone does, and so do we. Continue reading to find out the rest of the story!
REDDIT post by u/Jeleki2020, who had had enough of dealing with the vehicle and the troubles of her new neighbors…

So, this woman let out her emotions in this lengthy narrative post.

This lady described how she got along well with her neighbors and provided some background information on the situation.

Here’s what she called the neighboring family.

The following is the conversation between the woman and her Neighbor’s Dad(ND):

The ND approached the lady and requested whether his son may park his massive truck in her driveway.

So, this lady advised ND to let his son park his truck in their driveway and one of their cars on the street.

When the woman refused to use her driveway, ND became upset, claiming that she is a bad neighbor.

After the conversation, ND showed his aggression to the woman, and she shut the door and took her son to the emergency for a checkup as her son was not feeling good.

The lady sent an email the next day to HOA regarding the incident that took place.

So this lady banged on her neighbor’s door, and the Neighbors Mom(NM) opened the door, and the following conversation took place:

The woman requested the family to remove the truck or else the truck will be towed. The son acted maliciously, and the woman afterward submitted a complaint email to the HOA.

This poor lady had a terrible day because her son was sick, and she was outside for the day.

When she arrived home, she found that the enormous truck had parked on half of her lawn in her driveway. She called a towing company, and they picked up the truck.

The door banged loudly the next day, and the woman knew who it was, so she began filming the entire situation for proof.

After the conversation, the messy neighbors called the police to report the woman who had towed their truck.

During the investigation, the woman told the police officer the whole story!

The police officer asked the lady whether she wanted to file a trespassing report after reviewing all of the proof and evidence.

After thoroughly investigating the situation, the police officer left the house.

After the encounter, the woman returned to her room and filed a complaint, and also wrote this entire narrative.

She also shared a few of her Reddit Story updates:

Here’s another update of her story:

The vast majority of people agreed with the OP that what she did was correct. Take a look at the comments on her post by scrolling down.

What are your thoughts on this story? What would you do if someone parked their truck in front of your house? Let us know in the comments section below.