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Owner Starts Losing Business When He Refuses To Change The Number On His Receipt

You play stupid games and you win stupid prizes.

That is the only statement that accurately describes this story. I’m sure we all have bad days and are rude to complete strangers, but refusing to change the number on your receipt so that someone else receives calls for your company is just plain stupid. But that’s exactly what a man named Fred was doing. He was too cheap to splurge on new cards, so he decided that harassing some poor guy with multiple wrong calls was perfectly acceptable. I know what you’re thinking because most people nowadays use Google to look up phone numbers, but this story is from 15 years ago when people actually used phones and phone books.

As you might expect, when this family had had enough of receiving wrong calls, they decided to contact the company in question to resolve the issue once and for all. After all, it could have been a mistake or something along those lines. When the business owner Fred answered the phone, he was only too happy to let them suffer and didn’t care that they were getting calls that should have gone to him. So the poster of this story decided to take action, and I must say that the retaliation was glorious. If only Fred had listened when he was first summoned, but he now knows what happens when you play stupid games.

You can read all about the revenge by scrolling below.

Source: Reddit

The title is evidently scarce when it comes to details but read on.


He and his girlfriend moved in and got set up with everything that was needed.


But when the home number was set up, they immediately started getting calls.


They were always customers for another business.


This company evidently had the wrong number listed on the receipt.


But after he was tired of this bull, he decided to call the business in question.


However, he did not expect to be greeted like this.


It was clear that the owner did not care about his plight at all.


So no matter what he said, Fred was quick to end the call.

He tried his hand at a lawsuit but that wasn’t going to work out so he went directly to the company.


Sure enough, all of the receipts had his home phone number on them.

And that is when an ingenious idea came to his mind.


He started answering the calls for this particular business rather than setting the customers straight.

He was practically giving away the goods.


And there was nothing Fred could do about it.

Eventually, he was found out after numerous calls.


And that is when he was called by Fred himself and he did not sound happy.

But now all the cards were in his hand, not Fred’s.


After all, this was the only way Fred was going to listen to him at all.

So Fred relented and told him that he would change the number.


All in all, everything ended well and Fred was finally out of the picture.

Most commenters wanted him to be ready just in case.


After all, no one knows what the owner might do in the future.

However, sometimes petty revenge is just glorious.


What do you think about this revenge story? Sure, it may seem petty to some, but who wouldn’t be enraged if they were repeatedly called by customers of another business and the owner of that business refused to do anything to resolve the situation? This, I believe, was an appropriate response. Have you ever been in a situation like this before? What did you do, if so? Let us know in the comments, and don’t forget to share this story with others so they can share their personal experiences.


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