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Parents Share The Brilliant White Lies They Told Their Children To Make Their Lives Easier

Raising children is not easy.

You have to think long and hard before you even start to consider having a child. It is not for everyone. It takes all your time and energy. You need to make sure you are emotionally, physically, and financially stable to have a child. That is a lot of effort. Even when you plan everything out, the process of having children and raising them will never go as you expected it to. Children are full of surprises. You will realise there are so many silly and unexpected things that you will have to explain to them. Trust me, it takes a lot of patience and mental stability. Arguing with a child to eat a vegetable they don’t want to eat will take its toll on you. But you have to deal with it smartly.

Kids can even make you change your morals. Lying is wrong, right? Big or small, lies are lies. But sometimes, you have to tell your children white lies every now and then just to save yourself a lot of time. It can be a headache to try to convince them to do something by telling the truth. Say one white lie and everything will go like you wanted it to. You will need a lot of wit for that to work. Parents on Twitter shared the brilliant white lies they told their children to make their lives easier. Scroll down below and take some notes:

1. That’s fine until they start crying because they can’t find it.


Via @not_thenanny

2. That is just cruel, but hilarious nonetheless.


Via @thedad

3. It will be good for her.


Via @JimGaffigan

4. How to potty train your child hack 101.


Via @thefluffa

5. I don’t think they will buy it.


Via @DraggingFeeties

6. They’ll still ask to use the bathroom during the flight.


Via @ESweenyBlock

7. You’re lying to yourself too.

Via @XplodingUnicorn

I’m sure some of these white lies will come in handy for you. It doesn’t hurt to tell a white lie every now and then if it benefits your child. These are actual life hacks if you ask me. I don’t think I’m smart enough to come up with anything like this, so I better start learning some of these. It is all fun and games until your child figures out you’re lying to them and then they will have trust issues forever. We’re just halfway done though, scroll down below for more brilliant white lies told by parents:

8. This is how you get your children to learn to share too.


Via @maryfairybobrry

9. You better keep your comments to yourself when children show you their drawings.

Via @thearibradford

10. So they’ll only clean up when they lose a tooth.


Via @MejiaWrites

11. That is actually pretty great advice.

Via @that_toddler

12. This dad is doing it the right way.


Via @TheCatWhisprer

13. Just change the names of stuff. It will help a lot.

Via @geath81

14. I bet the mom was really pissed.


Via @Leecooper74

15. That’s a lie we tell ourselves too.

Via @slhutchens

Do you tell your children white lies too? Will you use any of these with your children? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.


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