Sometimes people act so entitled and stupid that instead of getting angry you start laughing.
I mean, how stupid can you POSSIBLY be? How hard do you have to fall on your head to say these things and somehow make sense of them? I think a bit too hard as this is beyond normal understanding. Instead of saying ‘thank you’ when someone offers you help, how can you possibly ask them to do more?
It’s almost as if generosity is a crime. You try to help someone and they punch you in the face in return. Maybe that’s why peope don’t readily offer help anymore. They fear losing their sanity in the process of fixing people that don’t want to be fixed.
You might feel like this is a bit too much right now, but after you read the following posts, you will wholeheartedly agree. In these posts, people have shared some of the most insane requests that they have ever received.
Scroll down and get ready to be amazed.
That’s not how it works…
I lost it when they sent the email address.
Take it or leave it.
Is she for real?!
Please accept some extra cash along with the free shoes too.
Now, when I think about it, it makes sense why the aliens don’t visit us. They probably think we don’t need more harm as we are all miserable enough. I mean, who would want to f*ck with people who are already busy eating each other? Just a thought.
Beggars are definitely choosy.
I like how this escalated.
As much as I want to believe it’s not true, it actually is.
Yeah, of course! Because what better way is there to utilize my time anyway?
I can’t stop laughing!
Here’s the content to live for!
Why only $40k? Have a bit more, please. I insist.
So rude…
I guess, that’s enough stupid for today. If you liked this post, share this with your friends so they know what kind of stupid is in trend these days.
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