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Period Tweets That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

Periods can be a pain to deal with.

Not only are you bleeding out of your nether regions but you also have physical and emotional pain to deal with. While I know cramps are the worst however, PMS is nothing to scoff at either. All in all, periods are not fun at all. You might think we would get some sort of happy feeling in realizing we are not pregnant but honestly there is no need for periods for this fact check when we are all stuck in quarantine anyway.


So maybe you are on your periods right now and want something that will make you feel better. While we can’t promise this will help with the cramps or anything really. But it might just brighten your mood a tiny bit. And honestly, in this sort of situation, we take what we get at the end of the day.

So scroll on below and take a look.

#1 Sometimes it feels like being pregnant might be better than having a period.


#2 Sadly, our periods don’t listen to us.


#3 You don’t want to unleash your inner Karen at your period, Trust me.


My period started yesterday, I woke up this morning and there were no stains on my bedsheets, my underwear, or something, I have absolutely no idea how that happened.

Today I’m just laying in my bed, doing absolutely nothing, not even moving and my pad or underwear (IDK) moved and made me leak and stain my bedsheets.??‍ Just love my period. And to make it even worse I can’t use those painkillers for period pains and such and ibuprofen because of my medication.

I just have to take a normal aspirin, use a heating thing, and hope for the best. Fml. -Tamar

#4 Like that is going to help in any sort of way.


#5 It’s the worst kind of surprise you can ever get.


#6 I am quite sure you were happy by saying goodbye to your period.


#7 We want a lot of things but we rarely get what we want.


#8 That week is the most cherished moments we have every month.


#9 This just made me realize I am not a teen anymore. Dammit.


#10 ‘Why do our ovaries hate us so much?’


Also, I know someone tweeted this but this is legit mine and my bf’s convo every time my period comes back.

Me: I’m on my period!!!

Him: Again!?

And I am always there sitting like, yeah your right I will just cancel my subscription. -LoserAlert

#11 I don’t want to be a negative nancy but what about the painful sensitivity?


#12 ‘I will wake up when the storm has blown over.’


#13 You never know until it’s too late and another underwear is stained forever.


#14 It’s like your period is giving you a taste of all the horrible things to come.


If we look at it the other way around, then it is sort of PTSD of what you went through earlier. Either way, it’s horrific.

#15 So you better be quick about what you want to say.


Which one of these did you find the most relatable? Comment down below and let us know. Don’t forget to share with your friends who might need a little pick me up on their periods as well.


What do you think?