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Woman Refused To Pitch In For Babysitter Since She Doesn’t Have Children Of Her Own, Gets Called Selfish And Rude

Often we see older people having a hard time balancing their friend group activities with their adult responsibilities. While these commitments don’t necessarily hinder them from hanging out with their friends, meetups begin to require more planning and arrangements since there are more factors involved than there would be when they were kids. One example of this involves a single woman in her friend circle in today’s Reddit AITA story that doesn’t have children when she was horrified by being expected to cover part of her child-having friends’ babysitter cost. Here’s the whole story:


#1) Should OP have behaved differently?

#2) OP has been with the same group of friends since high school and they all have kids. Getting together for dinner once a month, they hire a nanny usually.


#3) They take turns paying for dinner and the friends with children go pick their kids up.


#4) One time it was OP’s turn to pay after which she went home to a bunch of texts saying she was supposed to pay the babysitter too.


#5) OP argued that she didn’t have children so why should she be the one to pay?


#6) OP’s friends find it unfair that she’s not paying for the babysitting.


#7) The dads are also out with the boys to take maximum advantage of a babysitter.


Though paying for a babysitter can increase a parent’s overall expenses during a night out by a LOT, expecting their childless friends to shoulder that financial burden — even if it’s a one time thing for a specific outing when it’s her turn to pay — is definitely not okay. In the discussion underneath OP’s post, the majority of Reddit users seemed to share one opinion, that this was inappropriate. Scroll down below to read the comments:

#8) You can love your friend’s children like your own but at the end of the day they’re not your burden to bear.


#9) If the conversation was purposefully avoided so they could jump OP for this, it makes things even more complicated.


#10) It’s the friends’ personal choice to have kids, it’s not OP’s fault.


#11) These people lack respect for OP and it shows.

#12) Apparently their fathers are out chilling as well.


#13) It makes sense when you read the edit but yeah. Weird situation.

#14) Absolutely so true.


#15) “Your kids your problem your dime”!!!!!

#16) It’s not OP’s fault they can’t hangout without having a sitter.


#17) Insanely entitled behavior.

#18) They definitely need to see what other Redditors are commenting on this post.


#19) Very expensive nanny and there’s definitely better options out there.


#20) It’s completely not okay to ask and even expect this from OP.


Hello! What did you guys think about this situation? Leave a comment down below expressing your feelings towards today’s Reddit story and don’t forget to share this with your friends. Stay tuned!


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