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19 Times When Strangers Got Each Other’s Backs & Saved Human Solidarity

What goes around comes back around. And there is no lie in this phrase. There are many situations or events in our lives where we see something good coming our way from where we didn’t even expect. That is how the good we did to someone once cames back to us when we are in need and have lost all hope. Today, the world seems like a battleground and people have become emotionless and cold.

Everyone is investing their time and energy in material things, making more money and becoming famous. They’re faking almost everything, no one seems to care for things like feelings, love, care and empathy. However, there are still a handful of people who restore our faith in humanity. Here are 19 people who helped complete strangers and their stories are soul-stirring. Scroll down to read.

When there’s a lemon, there is always lemonade.


Credits: Reddit

Doing good doesn’t cost anything.


Credits: Reddit

Someone noticed that this SUV’s sunroof was left open and it was raining. They covered it up with an umbrella. How generous of this person to have helped without any second thoughts. Such people are selfless and try to help others even if they have very little to give. To be good and helpful you don’t need to have big pockets, just a big heart. Selflessly generous people have an amazing quality that they are constantly striving to become better than they were yesterday. Just like Paulo Coelho wrote in his book ” The Alchemist”:

“When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.”

“Helping hands are better than praying lips.”


Credits: Imgur

Not all superheroes wear capes.


Credits: Imgur

Someone went to the DVD rental store and found this! The person who last rented this DVD left snack money to enjoy with the movie for the next person who rents it. This is such a heartwarming act encouraging others to do the same. You never know, how your money may reach someone in dire need of it. They will forever be thankful and you may be rewarded in unimaginable ways. Whatever you manifest in this universe, it finds its way back to you.

Don’t break the chain. Keep up the good work.


Credits:  Imgur

Always keep your mind and eyes open to others. Understand little clues people are dropping because not everyone is vocal about their needs.


Credits: Reddit

In the picture above, you see an old gentleman standing on the left looking at the chess board with longing eyes and no one to play with. This empathetic young man on the right noticed this gentleman on the left and quietly started playing chess. The old gentleman’s delight can clearly be seen and how engaged he is in the game. There are so many games on our cell phones and computers that keep us busy all the time and we forget that our seniors and elders also need us. They need our time and companionship. Just your presence and time can mean a lot to them.

We rise by lifting others.

Credits: Reddit

We have stereotyped people and that has undoubtedly caused more misunderstanding among people than anything else. Don’t judge people based on their appearance and place of birth. Sometimes, people who look like gangsters have the kindest hearts and won’t even kill a fly, on the other hand, people who appear to be sweet and innocent are cold-blooded and have dirty secrets.

All our best friends were once strangers.


Credits: Reddit

Little moments of joy.

Credits: Reddit

Nothing is more rewarding than seeing someone happy because of something you did.


Credits: Reddit

More power to you bro!!

Credits: Reddit

It’s an awesome idea of asking permissions.


credits: Reddit

Appreciate others. It makes everyone feel good and costs $0.00

Credits: Reddit

We find ease in criticizing others and saying hateful things. Being full of negativity not only drains us but also damages our mental health. Some people are mean and they use this negative behavior as a defense mechanism. Honestly, it costs nothing to appreciate people and to be nice to them. It not only makes others happy but also brings peace to us. We feel great when we make others feel great.

Little deeds of kindness weigh the heaviest.


Credits: Reddit

Faith in humanity is restored.

Credits: Reddit

Such a nice gesture!


Credits: Imgur

Kids are one of the biggest blessings of God, but sometimes they may frustrate and embarrass us in public. A couple in a restaurant was going through the same situation with their twins who wouldn’t stop crying. Another customer at the next table who was witnessing this whole situation, quietly payed the couple a tab and left the kindest note. How generous of this person. Sometimes just being there for someone is better than putting on a show.

“We don’t just leave our neighbor to struggle.”

Credits: Reddit

Heart wrenching.


Credits: Reddit

No one has ever become poor by giving.

Credits: Reddit

During the difficult times of Hurricane Irma Lowe’s sold a lot of generators and this man in the picture above was about to buy the last one but gave it to this women instead. She really needed it to get her father’s oxygen support running.

All these stories are so wholesome. We’ve learned that not all hope is lost, there is still some good out there. If you fail to find it in others around you, look within you. Be the change you want to see in the world. If you have a story to share that may influence others to do good, please share in the comments below. We never know how our words can change someone’s world.


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